Their sheer number, variety and quality is sufficient reason to place digital libraries in Europe on a separate page. Hopefully this will help you to see digital library collections in other continents on the main page clearer. Some subjects will probably remain on that page. The alphabetical order of countries has been maintained.
Europe: General projects
- Europeana – not only a portal to digital libraries all over Europe, but also to archives, museums and audiovisual collections, and also for example newspapers
- Early European Books – Chadwyck – in The Netherlands one has free access to digitized books from the Royal Library within this collection
- Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ost-Europa – sister organisations and their portals are listed by the Webis (Universität Hamburg)
- Project Runeberg – an online library for Scandinavian literature; interface English and Swedish
- Post-Reformation Digital Library, Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary – a portal to digitized works by protestant authors in the Early Modern period
- Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC), University of St. Andrews – a portal describing books from the fifteenth century onwards until 1700, originally created for French books, with increasingly links to digital versions
- Digitale Bibliothek, Digitales Forum Mittel- und Ost-Europa (DIFMOE) – with books about and from Riga, Pilzen, Brno, Bratislava and Košice; interface German, English, Czech and Slovakian
- European History Primary Sources, European University Institute, Florence – this was a valuable attempt to create an online database for searching digital collections of libraries, museums and archives; each project is briefly introduced and described
- Gazettes européennes du 18e siècle – digitized newspapers, many of them in French, a number of them published in the Dutch Republic
- Iurisprudentia, Universität Zürich – a digital library with works by nineteenth-century lawyers from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, with not only books, but also digitized letters and manuscripts; legislation and legal courts will get a place here, too
- Fenno-Ugrica, Kansalliskirjasto, Helsinki – 1500 monographs, 110 newspapers and many hundred journals in Finno-Ugrian languages, and also six special collections, for example for Estonian and Yiddish; interface Finnish, Russian and English
- Central and Eastern European Library (CEEOL), Frankfurt am Main – a licensed portal with free search functionality and also books in open access; individual accounts can be opened
- Impresso, EPFL, Lausanne, Universität Zurich and Université de Luxembourg – a platform for searching some eighty newspapers from Switzerland and Luxembourg
- European Forum of Official Gazettes, European Union – useful to track current European gazettes and their digital versions
- Digitales Forum Mittel- und Ost-Europa (DIFMOE) – an international project with digital book collections from and about Brno, Riga, Pilzen, Bratislava, Timisoara and Kosice; multilingual interface
- Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin pour l’histoire comparative des institutions, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – a digitized version of these important essay volumes around single themes publsihed between 1936 and 2000
- ParliaMint: Comparable and Interoperable Parliamentary Corpora, CLARIN – a portal for linguistic research of parliamentary proceedings in Europe, currently only for the period 2015-2022
- e-Albanica, Biblioteka Kombëtare e Shqipërisë [National Library of Albania], Tirana
- ÖNB Digital, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna – the general portal for searching digital objects, with useful filters in the search function for particular formats; at Digitaler Lesesaal the other digital collections are listed
- ALEX, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek – historical legislation – including official gazettes, including the Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt (1867-1945) – and administration, parliamentary records, jurisprudence and legal journals, even ecclesiastical law
- ANNO: Austrian Newspapers Online – Historische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, ÖNB
- Archiv 1848, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna – digitized publications on the revolution of 1848
- Wienbibliothek Digital
- Digitale Bibliothek, Universität Innsbruck and Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol – interface German and English
- Austrian Literature Online – a digital library with books from the university libraries in Innsbruck, Graz and Linz; interface German and English
- Digitale Landesbibliothek Oberösterreich – interface German and English
- DIGI Jur: Juridica der Fakultätsbibliothek RESOWI, Universität Graz – a project for digitisation of old legal works printed before 1900; interface German and English
- Frauen in Bewegung 1848-1938, ÖNB and Ariadne: frauen- und genderspzifisches Wissensportal – a portal for women’s history with a growing digital library
For Austria the portal RepÖstRG, Repertorium digitaler Quellen zur österreichischen Rechtsgeschichte in der Frühen Neuzeit, created by Heino Speer (Klagenfurt), offers you quick access to digitized legal sources and also scholarly literature.
- Books of Belarus, 14-18th centuries, National Library of Belarus, Minsk – interface Belarussian, Russian and English
- Monuments of Belarussian legal history, Pravo – a section of this portal for current law presents a selection of historical resources; interface Belarussian
- Digital Library, Yakub Kolas Central Science Library, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk – a project with several collections for Early Modern printed books, and also manuscripts; interface Belarussian, Russian, Polish and English
- Belgica, Royal Library, Brussels – a digital collection with books and images, maps and medals; interface in Dutch and French
- BelgicaPress, Royal Library – Belgian newspapers; interface Dutch, French and English
- BelgicaPeriodicals, KBR – Belgian periodicals; interface Dutch, French and English
- Flandrica: Erfgoedbibliotheken online – six Flemish public libraries have partnered in this digital library with both books and manuscripts from Flanders’ cultural heritage
- Gedigitaliseerde oude drukken, Erfgoedbibliotheek, Universiteit Antwerpen – nearly 1,900 works
- Digitale bronnen, Amsad-ISG, Ghent – digitized reports, journals and newspapers concerning mainly Flemish social history and social movements
- DONum BICfB – a portal to digitized books of Francophone universities in Belgium
- Digital Heritage Online, Bibliotheken KU Leuven – with subcollections, for example for historic land registry and census reports
- Lovaniensia, Special Collections, KU Leuven and Réserve patrimoine, UC Louvain – digitized Early Modern editions of works by famous professors and alumni of Leuven
- Rechtsreeks / LigneDroit, Bibliotheken KU Leuven – a collection with digitized legal books, in particular some classic works, and journals on law from the twentieth century, partially in open access
- Theses from the old university of Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / JSTOR Collections – some 3,100 printed Early Modern and later dissertations
- ePatrimoine, DIAL.num, Université Catholique de Louvain – a portal to three collections, among them Imprim@Lex for Early Modern legal works, 470 from Belgium and 265 from the Dutch Republic
- Galeries, Université de Liége – a modest name for a digital library with the Fonds précieux juridiques (XVIe-XIXe s.), including also law books for Liège and the Southern Netherlands, and digitized placards publiés dans la Principauté de Liège (ordinances)
- Digitalne kolekcije, Nacionalna i univerzitetska Biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo
- Digital library, Gazi Husrey Bekova Biblioteka, Sarajevo – login as guest (Prijava kao gost); interface Bosnian and English
- Historijski arhiv štampe, Infobiro Digitalni Arhiv, Sarajevo – newspapers and periodicals from 1850 to 1989; interface Bosnian
- Digital library, Sarajevo Library – interface Bosnian
- Digital Library, St. Cyril and St. Methodius National Library, Sofia
- Digital Library SU ‘St.Kliment Ohridski’, Sofia University, Sofia – interface Bulgarian and English
- Digital collections, Central Library, Bulgarian Academy of Sciencs
- Digital Library, National and University Library, Zagreb
- Stare hrvatske novine, National Library of Croatia – a portal for digitized newspapers and journals; interface Croatian and English
- Digitalne zbirke Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu – a portal to more collections of the NSK
- METELwin Digital Library – a cooperative project of Croatian libraries
- Ψηφιακή Πλατφόρμα, Κυπριακής Βιβλιοθήκης [Digital Platform, Cyprus Library], Nicosia
- Digital Library, Sylvia Ioannou Foundation – interface Greek and English
Czech Republic
- Czech Digital Library – a portal for several digital libraries; inteface Czech and English
- Ceska digitalni knihovna – another portal, currently for ten libraries; interface Czech and English
- Digitálni Knihovna – a second portal, not only for libraries with digital collections, but also for a number of Czech museums
- Kramerius, National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague
- Národní digitální knihovna, National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, and the Moravská Zemská Knihovna, Brno, with for the last separately the catalogue of the Historicke Fondy
- The Joint Czech and Slovakian Digital Parliamentary Library – with Czech materials from 1861 onwards
- Digital library, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno – with resources from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Bibliografie vybraných právnických časopisů a sborníků 1918-1989 [Bibliography of selected juridical journals and Festschriften1919-1989], Jaromir Tauchen and Jan Kazda, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University – interface Czech and German
- Czech medieval sources online, Centrum medievistických studií, Prague – with several editions of charters and other legal sources
- Václav Havel Library – a documentation center with a digital library and archive; interface Czech and English
- Historická sbírka knihovny Právnické fakulty (Historical works in the library of the law faculty), Digitalní univerzitní repozitár, Charles University, Prague – some 65 items, mainly issues of the Austrian imperial gazette
You can benefit from the Registr digitalizace (RD), a portal for tracing digitized works in Czech libraries, interface Czech and English.
- E-Bøger, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen – some five hundred digitized old books with legal works among them; here an overview of the digitale samlinger
- Studér Middelalder på Nettet – texts in Old Danish, with also some legal texts: the Jyske Lov, the Skånske Kirkelov and the Flensborg Stadsret
- Eremit: Litteratur om København – digitized literature on the history of Copenhagen
- Gamle dankske love, Salldata – a selection of Danish laws from 1576 until 2014 (only texts)
- Bøger, Sydslesvighistorie – a digital library for the history of Southern Schleswig
- Nordjyske Historiske Avisarkiv – digitized historical newspapers
- Digital Library, National Library of Estland – interface Estonian, English and Russian
- DIGAR Eesti artiklid, National Library of Estland – digitized newspapers, journals and serials; interface Estonian, English and Russian
- EEVA, Tartu University and Estonian Literature Museum – a digital library with texts up to the mid-nineteenth century; interface in Estonian, English, German and Russian
- DSpace at Tartu University Library – in this repository you can find also older books, especially in German and Russian
- University of Tartu Library, JSTOR – seven digitized collections, in particular books, graphic art, periodicals and photographs
- Doria, National Library of Finland – digitized books, maps, manuscripts and ephemera from numerous Finnish institutions; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Digitaaliset aineistot, Kansalliskirjasto, Helsinki – the platform for digital collections of the Finnish National Library; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Gallica: Droit – the digital library Gallica of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) has put together a number of the most important digitized sources for French legislation, customary law, doctrine and jurisprudence, including the various series of the Journal officiel; you will find here also editions of royal acts and materials for political thought and history – in Gallica you will also find the years 1877 to 1921 of the Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger
- Fontes Historiae Iuris, Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire, Université de Lille / CNRS – a portal to mainly French books from the 18th and 19th century, with doctrine and jurisprudence, editions of coutumes, collections of consultations and pleas, and a growing section Archives judiciaires de l’Ancien Régime concerning major courts
- Pandectes de Flandre, Nakalona and Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire, Université de Lille – a separate portal with the elements for the Parlement de Flandres which already figured at Fontes Historiae Iuris
- NordNum: Bibliothèque numérique d’histoire régionale du Nord et du Pas de Calais, Université de Lille – with five digital collections
- IRIS: Bibliothèque numérique en histoire des sciences, Université de Lille – interface French, English and Dutch
- Lillonum: Bibliothèque numérique, Université de Lille – a digital library with subcollectoons, among them Sources du droit dans les Flandres
- Bibliographie d’Histoire du Droit, Université Lorraine (Nancy-Metz), Université Paris-II and Université Bordeaux – an online database where you can search using a thesaurus; interface French and English
- Le Moniteur Universel (1789-1830), FSU Libraries, Florida State University – a searchable version of this gazette nationale; at Gallica you can find the years 1789 to 1901
- Presse locale ancienne, BnF – newspapers from the nineteenth century until 1944, partially also from the French colonial empire
- Revues coloniales européennes – four colonial journals, two of them can also be found at Revues coloniales de droit, Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire, Université de Lille
- Bibliothèque Cujas, Pantheon-Sorbonne Paris I – mainly digitized scientific literature on legal history
- Nubis, bibliothèque numérique, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne, Paris – with a great variety in resources, includingsome twenty factums
- Les constitutions de la France, Conseil Constitutionnel – all French constitutions from 1791 to 1958
- Digithèque de matériaux juridiques et politiques, Université de Perpignan – a site with for example the French constitutions since 1789, treaties and (links to) modern constitutions worldwide
- Criminocorpus – a website of the CNRS on penal law with a digital library and digitized criminal legislation
- Bibliothèque numérique de l’ENAP, École nationale d’administration pénitentiaire, Agen – with six digitized collections
- Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique, Ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères – a digital library with collections concerning diplomacy, treaties, the history of diplomacy and international law
- Napoleonica: archives et documents napoléoniens – with documents concerning the Conseil d’Etat and the creation of the Code civil
- Napoleon Collection, McGill University, Montreal – monographs, ephemera, manuscripts, maps, serials and prints; interface French and English
- French Revolution Digital Archives / Archives numériques de la Révolution française, Stanford University Library and Bibliothèque nationale de France – a project with digitized parliamentary records (1787-1794) in the series Archives parlementaires (volumes 1-82 of the first series), including cahiers de doléance, and thousands of images; a data archive can be found at GitHub
- Archives parlementaires de la Révolution française, Persée and Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution Française- the volumes 1-28 (1789-1791) and 78-102 (1793-1794) of the première série for the years 1787-1799 of this important source edition concerning the French Revolution; there is an introduction in English and an author index
- Décrets et Lois 1789-1795: Collection Baudouin – a French-American project for a digital library with the volumes of laws and decrees published by François-Jean Baudouin during the French Revolution
- La loi de la Révolution Française 1789-1799 – the sequel for the Collection Baudouin, now also with legislation enacted between 1795 and 1799, the periode of the Directoire (“LexDir”), searchable with Philologic4, and now also searchable at the portal Intertextual Hub of the ARTFL project in Chicago
- Mazarinum, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris – in the digital library of the oldest public library in France you can find many things, also a number of old juridical works
- Bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale: Sciences juridiques, Université de Strasbourg – some 120 digitized works
- Tolosana, la bibliothèque virtuelle des fonds anciens – digitized books at the Université de Toulouse, with a substantial number of legal works between 1500 and 1850, with in particular some 300 factums or mémoires judiciaires, pleas by barristers printed to gain favor with the public and courts
- Droit provençal, Odyssée, Université de Aix-en-Provence
- Édits, arrêts, ordonnances monétaires de Hugues Capet à Louis XVI – French edicts, verdicts and monetary ordinances
- L’édit de Nantes et ses antécédents 1562-1598, Ecole nationale de Chartes, Paris – editions of the pacification edicts during the French wars of religion
- Yvette: Bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale de l’Université de Paris-Sud (Université Paris Saclay) – with some 70 juridical works in the section Droit
- Les Premiers Socialismes, Université de Poitiers – digitized works of nineteenth century French socialists
- Collections numérisées, Réseau des bibliothèques de Perpignan – among these collections figure also legal documents
- Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes, Université de Tours – editions from the 16th and 17th centuries, including legal texts; iconographical search with Iconclass
- La Bibliothèque Humaniste Numérique, Sélestat – a library with numerous works by (legal) humanists
- Numelyo, Bibliothèque numérique de Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon – in the collection Livres anciens you will find some 700 juridical books; the section Presse lyonnaise de 1790 à 1944 contains digitized newspapers
- Numistral, Bibliothèque nationale universitaire, Strasbourg – a general digital library, with also juridical works and special attention for rare Scandinavian books
- Charles Bourdot de Richebourg, Nouveau Coutumier Général (..) de France (4 vol., Paris 1724), Centre Lorrain d’Histoire de Droit, Université de Lorraine, Nancy and Metz – a database version of this invaluable collection of French customary law
- Corpus juridique lorrain, Pulsar, Université de Lorraine – some forty digitized books on customary law in the Lorraine region
- Les Coutumiers du Centre-Ouest, Université de Poitiers – sources for and commentaries on the customary law of the Poitou region
- Patrimoine numérisé, Bibliothèque municipale de Poitiers – here, too, some books and manuscripts concerning customary law in the Poitou region
- Bibliothèque David Hoüard: bibliothèque numérique de droit normand, Université de Rouen – with digitized manuscripts and books on customary law in Normandy
- Projet ConDÉ: Faire vivre six siècles des coutumiers normands. Université de Caen, Université de Rouen et alii – a research project with searchable texts of the various versions of the Coutumier de Normandie
- Patrimoine juridique, Babord-Num, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux 4 – mainly coutumes for the Guyenne region and the city of Bordeaux
- Séléné, Bibliothèques de Bordeaux – a digital library with works on customary law, some 70 factums and more than 1,000 mazarinades
- Droit dauphinois, Bibliothèque Droit-Lettres, Université Grenoble -Alpes- some digitized works concerning the law in the Dauphiné region; in the collection with works digitized on demand a number of 19th-century studies concerning Roman law
- Factums, Gallica: Essentiels du droit – with access to digitized copies at the BnF and other French libraries
- Droit et sciences politiques, Odyssée, Bibliothèque patrimoniale, Aix et Marseille Université – a great variety of sources, in particular a number of digitized factums, divided in two collections, before 1789 and after 1789
- La Coutume et le droit en Auvergne, Patrimoine de Bibliothèque de Clermont – a digital collection of the Overnia portal with a great variety of legal resources on customary law, in particular a few hundred digitized factums, printed pleas of barristers (mémoires judiciaires)
- Bibliothèque numérique, Université Clermont Auvergne – with five collections containing nearly 1,200 factums
- Droit, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, Paris – nearly thousand digitized legal works of this Parisian library at the Internet Archive, with 900 digitized factums and mémoires judiciaires
- Digital Cullezione, BU Università di Corsica – a digital library with four collections, inlcuding one for Droit
- Bibliothèque numérique, Institut de France, Paris – actual a portal to digitized collections at five other institutions in Paris as well
- Hum@zur, bibliothèque numérique, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice – a digital library with various collections, including Ouvrages et manuscrit juridiques with attention to law in the Provence
- Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek – nearly 2,000 institutions work together in this national digital library
- Textarchiv des Deutsches Rechtswörterbuchs, Heidelberg – many editions of sources used for this legal dictionary have been digitized, including sources from the Low Countries; a sequel is the project Deutschsprachige Rechtsquellen in digitaler Edition for the digitization of German legal sources in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie
- Deutsches Territorialrecht von 1801 bis 1900, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – a project with some 13,000 books
- Digitale Bibliothek, Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie, Frankfurt am Main – with for example works from the period of the Pandektistik, legal journals, dissertations from the Holy Roman Empire, and sources on the institutions of the Holy Roman Empire in the Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht (ViRR)
- Gerhard Koebler, Universität Graz – apart from German sources, including short biographies of lawyers, also materials concerning Roman law
- Digitale Sammlungen, Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – not only a very large digital library, but also one with lots of special sections; interface German and English
- Rechtsquellen der frühen Neuzeit, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg – sources for Early Modern legal history
- Deutsches Textarchiv, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin – here some classic juridical works from the nineteenth century are present
- Freimann-Sammlung: Rechtswissenschaft, Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main – some 150 titles of this large digital collection of Jewish literature concern Jewish and rabbinical law
- Dokumentations- und Informationssystem für Parlamentsmaterialien (DIP), Deutscher Bundestag – with printed materials since 1947
- Drucksachen und Plenarprotokolle des Bundestages, Deutscher Bundestag – printed materials and records of plenary sessions since 1949 (PDF’s)
- Verhandlungen des Deutschen Reichstags, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – parliamentary proceedings from 1867 until 1942, and also earlier proceedings of the Norddeutscher Bund and the Zollparlement, with also biographies of members of the Reichstag
- Preussische Rechtsquellen Digital, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz – an archived version only
- Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger, Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim – the various versions of these official gazettes from 1819 to 1945
- Amtspresse Preussens, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz – a search filter at the Zefys newspaper portal for three newspapers close to the Prussian state, the Teltower Kreisblatt (1856-1896) , the Provincial-Correspondenz (1863-1884) and the Neueste Mittheilungen (1882-1894)
- Digitale Sammlungen, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz – with now nearly 17,000 titles for Rechtswissenschaft
- ZEFYS: Historische Zeitungen, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – with digitized German newspapers, three DDR newspapers, and a database for searching old newspapers worldwide
- Deutsche Zeitungsportal, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek – with newspapers from 1671 until 1950; interface German and English
- digiPress, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – newspapers from Bavaria since the seventeenth century; interface German
- zeit.punkt NRW: Zeitungsportal Nordrhein-Westfalen, ULB Münster – interface German, English and French
- Zeitungen des 17. Jahrhunderts, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen – with apart from German newspapers also some from Vienna, Prague, Copenhagen and Swiss cities
- Gelehrte Journale und Zeitungen der Aufklärung (GJZ18), Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Göttingen – a database for searching in eighteenth-cenutry journals and newspapers
- Digi-Hub, Universitätsbibliothek, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – with fields such as Rechtswissenschaft (110 items) and Rechts – und Wirtschaftswissenschaft (250 items)
- Digitale Landesbibliothek Berlin
- Digitale Sammlungen, Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden – juridical works are in particular present among the editions from the seventeenth century
- CAMENA Historica et politica, Universität Mannheim – early printed books on history and political theory, mainly from Germany
- Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Universität Mannheim – some sixty Early Modern works, mainly from Germany
- Sammlung Desbillons, Universität Mannheim – some 1,500 digitized Early Modern books, in particular theology, law and travel accounts
- Verteilte Digitale Rechtsquellen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and Deutsche Nationalbibliothek – with the Bayerisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt, 1945-1949 and legislation of the Allied forces after 1945
- Münchner Altbestände, Universitätsbibliothek Munich – manuscripts, incunabula, Early Modern books and graphic materials
- Historische Bestände, Thüringer Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek, Jena
- Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum: Rechtsgeschichte – a growing collection
- Digitale Sammlungen: Rechtswissenschaft, Universitätsbibliothek Münster – nearly thousand digitized works, and apart from that for example the Senden-Bödensell: Mühlen’schen Bibliothek, a private library from Baroque Germany, and juridical dissertations defended at the university of Franeker
- Digitale Sammlungen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf: Rechtsgeschichte – old juridical works
- Digitale Sammlungen, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle: Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts
- Alte Drucke 1520-1800, Digitalisierte Bestände der Universitätsbibliothek Kiel – among these old books are some works on government and law
- Jurisprudenz, Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek, Universitätsbibliothek, Augsburg – rare editions from the seventeenth century; among the digitized collections at Augsburg are also multivolume workss the Theatrum Europaeum and Das Teutsche Recih-Archiv by J.C. Lünig
- Digitale Sammlungen, Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld: Rechtswissenschaft – at Bielefeld is an important collection of digitized journals from the Enlightenment (Zeitschriften der Aufklärung)
- DigiZeitschriften – a platform with older issues of scientific journals in open access
- European Cultural Heritage Online: Legal History, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin – at this moment still very small
- Dilibri, Landesbibliothekszentrum Rheinland-Pfalz – a digital library of this library and libraries in Koblenz, Mainz, Trier and Worms, with emphasis on regional history
- Bamberger Halsgerichtsordnung, Staatsbibliothek Bamberg – this ordinance on criminal procedure became the leading example for the Constitutio Criminalis Carolina (1532)
- Digitale Bibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Revolution, Rätegremien und Räterepublik in Bayern, 1918/19, Bayerische Landesbibliothek – documents – including pamphlets – and books on the revolutionary period in Bavaria after the First World War
- DigiTue: Rechtswissenschaft, Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen – a collection with a wide variety of historical juridical works
- Digitale Bibliothek, Ostfriesische Landschaft – with some works on Frisian law
- Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen – a project for the digitization of some 500 works concerning Germany’s colonial past
- Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek – a subdomain for digitized colonial collections and works; interface German and English
- Werke der Kolonialbibliothek, Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main – some 2,400 digitized books concerning colonial history; interface German and English
- Digitale Sammlungen, Herzogin Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek, Klassik Stiftung Weimar – with many subcollections, for example the Forschungssammlung NS-Raubgut; interface German and English
- Gesetze, Internetportal Westfälische Geschichte – on this portal for the history of Westphalia a number of collections with laws and ordinances has been digitized (Münster, Kurköln, Minden, Paderborn; Kleef, Lippe) and five of the so-called Reichsgrundgesetze
- Thüringen Legislativ und Executiv, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Jena – digitized sources concerning legislation, government and administration from the sixteenth to the twentieth century
- Landtagsprotokolle Baden-Württemberg, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart – parliamentary acts for Baden and Württemberg in several series from 1797 onwards until 1996
- Der Bayerische Landtag digital, Bayerische Landesbibliothek – acts of the late medieval and Early Modern Landtag (1429-1669) and from 1919 onwards (1919-1933 and since 1946)
- Die Protokolle der bayerischen Ministerrats 1945-1962, Historische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Digitale Sammlungen, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn – with for example books on peace and peace treaties and legislation for the Rheinland region; interface German, English and French
- Digitale Sammlungen, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart – with a digital collection from the Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte
- Digital collections, National Library of Greece, Athens – manuscripts, monographs and some maps; interface Greek and English; the section for journals and newspapers has a Greek interface
- Repositories, National Documentation Centre EKT – an overview of digital collections and portals; interface Greek and English
- Hellenic Parliament, Digital Library: Parliamentary Archives – with digitized parliamentary proceedings between 1843 and 1935, and constitutions from 1797 onwards
- Pandektis – Digital Thesaurus of Primary Resources for Greek Culture and History – a portal to several historical collections, with for example inscriptions
- Anemi – Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies, University of Crete – a general digital library with also studies in the field of legal history
- Ergani – Historical Archive of the Aegean – a general digital collection
- Psyfiake Bibliotheke / Serre Library – a digital library with some legal works (search with subject Δικαιο)
- Psyfiothiki AUTh Digital Collections, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki – with also historical collections for manuscripts, lefalets and newspapers; interface Greek and English
- Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, Academy of Sciences, Athens – a digital library for Byzantine and post-Byzantine law; interface, Greek, English and GFrench
- Hungarian Electronic Library, Budapest
- Országos Széchényi Könyvtár – Digitális Könyvtár, National Széchényi Library – interface Hungarian and English
- Digital Library, Parliament Library, Budapest – with laws, books, national and ministerial gazettes, legal journals, parliamentary proceedings and decrees; interface Hungarian and English
- Open Society Archive, Central European University, Budapest – with for example the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, but also Polish and Russian documents
- Hungarian Parliamentary History, Vysegrad Digital Parliamentary Library – documents from 1861 onwards
- Ezer év – Hungarian law texts from 1000 to 2003
- REAL-R: Rare Books & Manuscripts, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest – a digital library with also books from the oriental collection
- Biblioteca Digitalis, Esztergomi Föszékesegyhási Könyvtár – with in this cathedral library a number of digitized sixteenth-century books from the library of the Fuggers; interface Hungarian, English, German and Latin
- Arcanum Digitheca – a licensed digital library with books, journals and newspapers with a section for jurisprudence; individual short period subscriptions are offered; interface Hungarian, Romanian and English
- Elektronikus Periodika Archivum és Adatbázis (EPA) – a portal to some 1,300 digitized journals; interface Hungarian
- Reglugerðasafn [Ordinances Archive] – ordinances since 1912
- Handrit – digitized medieval manuscripts and old books of the Arnamagnaeanske Samling, Kopenhagen, the National and University Library and the Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, Reykjavik
- Tímarit, National and University Library, Reykjavik – digitized journals from Iceland, Greenland and the Faroer, with for example the official gazette Tíðindi um stjórnarmálefni Íslands (1864-1874) and some years of its successor Stjórnartíðindi fyrir Ísland
- Baekur, National and University Library, Reykjavik – digitized old books from Iceland, with for example the Lovsamling for Island, Jón Sigurðsson et alii (eds.) (21 vol., Kopenhagen 1853-1889), containing legislation and all kinds of legal documents between 1096 and 1874; interface Icelandic and English
- Digital books, National and University Library, Reykjavik – Internet Archive – some 1,400 books
- Islandica: A Series in Icelandic Studies, Cornell University – some modern and some older volumes in this book series have been digitized, in particular Halldór Hermannsson, The Ancient Laws of Norway and Iceland. A Bibliography (Ithaca, N.Y., 1911)
Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Catalogue, National Library of Ireland, Dublin – tick the field Show digitised items only
- Irish Penal Laws, M. Patricia Schaffer, University of Minnesota – legislation concerning Ireland between 1558 and 1759
- Irish Statute Book (eISB) – legislative acts of the Oireachtas, statutory documents and the legislative directory, from 1922 onwards; there is also a section with a selection of resources until 1922
- Acts of the Oireachtas / Achtanna an Oireachtas – a bilingual website with acts since 1922
- Dublin Gazette, Oireachtas Library – issues of the official gazette (1705-1922) of the Irish Executive have been digitized
- Iris Oifigiúil – since 1922 the official Irish gazette, the successor to the Dublin Gazette
- Dublin Castle Collection, Houses of the Oireachtas / JSTOR – some 9,000 items, not only books, but also letters, archival records and maps; note among other digital collection for example the General Historical Collection with 3,300 items
- Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA), Queen’s University Belfast
- Documenting Ireland: Parliament, People and Migration, Queen’s University, Belfast, and University of Ulster – with in particular the database Enhanced British Parliamentary Papers on Ireland (EPPI)
- Conflict Archive on the Internet, University of Ulster – the conflict in Northern Ireland since 1968
- Corpus of Electronic Texts: Historical and Legal, University College, Cork
- Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive, University College, Dublin
- Divided Society: Northern Ireland 1990-1998, Linen Hall Library, Belfast – a digital collection with 35,000 items (books journals, posters, audiovisual materials) covering a decade of the Irish conflict; access after registration
- Irish Newspaper Archive – a licensed portal for Irish newspapers with a search function in open access
- Biblioteca digitale, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma – with digitized books, manuscripts, journals and newspapers (emeroteca), graphical art and music
- Collezioni digitalizzate, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Florence – in the section Libro Antico it is in particular the Fondo Magliabechiano where you can find numerous digitized juridical works
- Braidense in Digitale, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan
- Biblioteca digitale, Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli – also available in a slightly different DSpace version
- Alphabetica, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (ICCU), Rome – a meta-search engine harvesting eight ICCU portals, enabling you also to search only for digizited items in Italian libraries; interface Italian and English
- Camera dei deputati – Portale storico – digitized resources concerning the Italian parliament since 1848; you can consult also the overviews at Legislature precedenti (from 1948 onwards
- Gazzetta Ufficiale – the digital official gazette, with an archive (Archivio completo) for the Gazzette Ufficiali since 1946
- Le costituzioni italiane di 1797-1846, Biblioteca della storia moderna e contemporanea, Rome / Internet Culturale
- Leggi e decreti dello Stato, 1861-1931, Teca Digitale, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome
- Emeroteca Digitale Italiana, Internet Culturale – in this digital library for periodicals you will find a number of regional gazzette
- Farnesina, Politica esteri e Storia, Ministero degli Affari Esteri – diplomatic documents and a digital library
- Sapienza Digital Library, Sapienza Università di Roma – a digital library with many sections, for example Diritto Romano e Diritti d’Oriente Meditterraneo and Storia del Dritto Italiano containing both also Early Modern editions
- Biblioteca digitale dell’unificazione giuridica, 1859-1870, Ministero della Giustizia, Biblioteca Centrale Giuridica, Roma – this collection gives you quick access to a number of regional codifications and the first attemps at national codification
- Diritto europeo medievale e moderno, Sezione di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, Università degli Studi di Milano and BEIC
- Gride e Gridari Seicenteschi del Ducato di Milano (1600-1700), Lombardia Beni Culturali / Biblioteca Digitale Lombarda – 47 digitized ordinances
- Le gride e gli editi dello Stato di Milano (1560-1796), Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – legislation in the Duchy of Milan; access after registration
- Biblioteca Digitale Lombarda, Regione Lombardia – a digital library with various heritage collections
- Fondo antico presso la Sezione storica della Biblioteca di Economia e Giurisprudenza, Biblioteca Digitale Lombarda – some 200 books held at the Università di Brescia
- Archivio lombardo della legislazione storica – sources for public law in Lombardy between 1749 and 1859
- Raccolta per ordine di materie delle leggi, editti, manifesti…Real Casa di Savoia, F.A. Duboin et alii (eds.) (Turin 1818-1860), Archives départementales des Alpes-Maritimes – a mulitvolume collection with legislation for both the duchy Savoye and the kingdom Sardinia (1661-1798)
- Legislazione del Regno di Sardegna dal 1848 a 1860, Università di Torino – with text version of legislation between 1848 and 1860
- Statuti di Liguria, Università degli Studi di Genova – on this website created by Rodolfo Savelli you can find the texts of several medieval Ligurian city statutes with a bibliography on them; see also Savelli’s Repertorio degli statuti della Liguria (secc. XII-XVIII), (Genova 2003; online, PDF)
- Fonti online, Società Pistoiese di Storia Patria – digitized editions of medieval charters for several ecclesiastical institutions and city statutes from Pistoia
- Statuti di Vicenza, 1264 – an edition accompanied by a bibliography which touches also technical matters
- De Statutis, Università degli Studi di Bologna – medieval statutes, among them the city statutes of Bologna from 1376, and a bibliography
- Biblioteca Digitale, Società Ligure di Storia Patria – among the digitized editions (PDF’s) are Gli statuti di Albega del 1288 and a register of a thirteenth-century notarius sacri palatii
- Sardegna Digital Library, Regione Sardegna – with also old juridical texts; multilingual interface
- Vox Venetica: Bandi della Repubblica Venezia di secoli 16-17, Venice, Fondazione Querini Stampalia – already nearly 3,300 digitized legal proclamations
- Editti e bandi pontifici, Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense – (printed) papal documents concerning the inquisition, 16th-18th century; using the Casanatense’s Scaffali Digitali one finds also a number of digitized old journals and books, among them festival books
- Bandi e bolle pontificie del XVI secolo, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome – 1,000 papal edicts and bulls from the sixteenth century
- La Raccolta dei Bandi Merlani, Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio – many thousands municipal ordinances and decrees of the cardinal-legate for Bologna from 1601 to 1796
- AMS Historica, Università degli Studi di Bologna – with various collections, including works from the Fondo Antico of the Biblioteca Giuridica “Antonio Cicu”
- Biblioteca Digitale, Biblioteca Pinacoteca Accademia Ambrosiana, Milan – digitized manuscripts, incunabula, Early Modern books and journals in Italy’s oldest public library
- Biblioteca Digitale Trentina. Biblioteca comunale di Trento – a digital library with various collections, including Tridentina manifesta with nearly 3,000 ordinances
- Biblioteca Digitale Ligure – with in some collection Early Modern printed books
- DOGE: Percorsi digitali, Biblioteca Universitaria, Genua – with a small but interesting section Fonti del diritto
- Digitalizzazione Fondi Antichi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – mainly juridical books from the Este period
- Biblioteca Digitale Estense, Gallerie Estensi, Modena – with manuscripts, Eraly Modern printed editions and the Archivio Muratoriano for the historian Muratori
- Biblioteca on-line, Instituto Centrale per gli Archivi, Rome – with for example the Magnum Bullarium Romanum (24 vol., Torino 1857-1872) and archival manuals
- Imago Historiae, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento – several digitized early editions of Italian Renaissance historians
- La Repubblica Romana del 1849 – a database which contains also legal documents
- Biblioteca digitale sulla camorra, Università degli Studi di Napoli
- Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura (BEIC)- a general digital library portal with a collection Diritto europeo e medievale with digitized microfilms of medieval legal manuscripts, old law books and statutes; among other things you get access to digitized legal incunabula, and search possibilities in other digital libraries; note the digitized editions of the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medievo
- Biblioteca Digitale, Fondazione Mansutti per la storia dell’assicurazione, Milan – six digitized Early Modern treatises about insurance
- Libri antichi e di pubblico dominio delle biblioteche giuridiche dell’Università degli Studi di Padova, Phaidra: Collezioni digitali, Università degli Studi di Padova – some 470 old legal books at the university of Padua, and 150 modern works by Italian lawyers; interface Italian, English. German and Serbian
- E-book, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini, Prato – several series of digitized publications concerning economic history, including works by F. Melis; the Serie Oro: Volumi antichi contains 80 Early Modern books with some legal works
- Biblioteca Digitale Siciliana, Università degli Studi di Catania – with old legal books from Sicily in the Collezione della Biblioteca delle Scienze Giuridiche
- DigitUNO: Collezioni digitalizzate dell’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” – digitized books, maps and some manuscripts, all documenting the period of Italy’s colonial empire, for example in Somalia
- Digital Library, National Library of Latvia – here also for example old maps and periodicals; interface Latvian and English
- Gramatas, Latvijas Nacionālā Digitalā Bibliotēkā – interface Latvian, Russian and English
- eLiechtensteinensia, Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek, Vaduz – with a section Recht
- Epaveldas – the central digital library of Lithuania
- Teisés Aktu Registras (Register of Legal Acts) – Lithuanian legislation, partially from 1940 onwards, mostly starting with 1990
- Digital Library, Vilnius University Library – books, maps and also the archival collection Grand Duchy of Lithuania court books (1540-1845)
- LMAVB elektroninis archyvas, Lithuanian Academy of sciences – an institutional repository with in the section Knigos / Books Early Modern printed books, browsable per century
- Luxemburgensia online, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg
- DigiVault, National Library of Malta – the general digital library of Malta
- Moldovica: Biblioteca Nationala Digitala, Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova, Chisinau
- Presse ancienne, Mediathèque de Monaco – two newspapers and two journals
- Digitalna biblioteka Crne Gore, Nacionalja Biblioteka Crne Gore Durde Crnojevic, Cetinje – with also some digitized archival records; interface Montenegrian and English
- Delpher, Royal Library, The Hague – including works from the project Early Dutch Books Online (1780-1800), journals and newspapers, and also official gazettes as the Staatscourant and the Staatsblad, with their supplements (bijblad) and forerunners, including also gazettes for the Dutch Indies and Suriname – the Delpher collection within the Internet Archive contains only newspapers and official gazettes (mainly 1814-1850)
- Staten-Generaal digitaal, Royal Library, The Hague – parliamentary documents, 1814-1995; alas the accompanying information has been removed at the transfer to a general Dutch portal for official governmental information in 2019
- Beeldbank, Allard Pierson Museum / Bijzondere Collecties, Universiteit van Amsterdam – both books and manuscripts, see also the overview of image databases and digital collections
- Beeldbank, Bibliotheek Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam – a simple name for a portal with digitized books, manuscripts, portrait paintings, Bible illustrations, maps and journals
- Leesmuseum, Rozet, Bibliotheek Arnhem – in its digital library this public library has digitized also a number of legal works
- Digitale collecties, Athenaeumbibliotheek, Deventer – a wide variety of works in this historical library
- Digital Collections, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen – here in particular 127 Papyri Groninganae
- Digitale Collectie, Tresoar, Leeuwarden – the fromer digita; ;ibrary of the Frisain provincial archive with for example some manuscripts concerning Old Frisian law and some court files of famous trials; at ist new digital platform Collecties Tresoar currently some small books collections and many thousand images are available, and an archival collection on the 1951 Kneppelfreed riot
- Digital Special Collections, Leiden University Library – a growing variety of digitized books, manuscripts and archival collections
- Colonial Collection, Royal Tropical Institute – this digital collection contains some 1300 books and many scientific journals, many of them touch upon law and justice; since 2013 the collection is managed at Leiden
- Project Digitalisering Erfgoed, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen – simple but effective access to digitized books with six alphabetical lists; there is now also a portal for the digital Bijzondere Collecties [Special Collections] with both manuscripts and books
- Digitized Objects Special Collections, Bijzondere Collecties, Utrecht University Library
- Dutch Government Publications, Internet Archive – apart from official publication you can find here the Staatsblad, the Staatscourant, the Tractatenblad (for treaties), parliamentary reports and much more, the focus is the early 21st century
- Peace Palace Library Digital Collections, The Hague – with books on the peace movements, the Scheldt Collection on the Belgian-Dutch dispute about this river, posters, cartoons, engravings, photographs, and a general book collection
North Macedonia
- Digital Library, National and University Library St. Clement of Ohrid, Skopje
- Old books and dictionaries, Digital resources for the Macedonian languages, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Det digitale Nasjonalbiblioteket, Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo
- Dokumentasjonsprosjektet, Universitetet i Oslo – a portal to several text collections and research tools such as the Diplomatarium Norvegicum and the Regesta Norvegica
- Lovdata – a website of the Ministry of Justice and Oslo University for Norwegian legislation, both in Norse and English, with also historical legislation
- Medieval Nordic Text Archive (Menota) – with the accompanying portal where you will find dictionaries and much more
- Gamle bøker fra UB Bergens Spesialsamlinger, Digitalt, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen – digitized older printed works
- Digital corpus and dictionary of Norwegian medieval Latin, Nasjonalbiblioteket
- Dommers populærnavn, Universitet i Oslo – a database with popular names of judicial verdicts
- Polona, National Library of Poland, Warsaw
- Dziennik Ustaw – the Polish gazette from 1918 onwards
- ISAP – Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych, Sejm – a database with acts enacted by the Polish parliament since 1919; interface Polish
- Parliamentary documents 1919-1991, Biblioteka Sejmova, Warsaw
- Parliamentary documents of the Second and Third Republic, Vysegrad Digital Parliamentary Library – documents for the period 1919 to 1939 and from 1989 onwards
- Digital Library of Polish and Poland-related News pamphlets – pamphlets from the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth century
- Federacja Bibliotek Cyfrowych (Digital Libraries Federation) – a network of more than hundred digital libraries in Poland; interface Polish and English
- CRISPA, Biblioteka Unywersitecka w Warszawie – the digital library of Warszaw University with several collections, including legal literature; interface Polish and English
- e-Koleckzja Czasopism Polskich, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie and Biblioteka Narodowa – digitized Polish newspapers
- Księgozbiór Wirtualny Federacji „Fides” [Digital Library FIDES] – a digital library with some 1,700 books from ecclesiastical collections in Poland; interface Polish and English
- Biblioteka cyfrowa, Przystanek Historia, Instytut Pamieci Narodowe – the digital library of the Institute for National Remembrance of Poland’s history between 1917 and 1990
- Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon – you can find here also juridical texts
- Memória, Biblioteca Nacional Digital – a selection of digitized books with a section for Direito
- Registo Nacional de Objetos Digitais, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal – a portal for searching digitized books and other objects in Portuguese libraries
- Hemeroteca Digital, Hemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa – Portuguese journals and also the Gazeta de Lisboa (1715-1833) – see now also this link
- Ius Lusitaniae, Fontes Históricas de Direito Português, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Legislação régia, Assembleia da República – Portuguese legislation between 1603 and 1910; also available at the website of the Diário da República Eletrónico, the official gazette
- Debates Parlementares Assembleia da República – parliamentary debates from 1822 to the present
- DIGIGOV: Diário do Governo Digital 1820-1920, CEPESE – a searchable version of this official gazette; note also the scholarly articles about this gazette
- Diário da República Eletrónico (DRE) – interface Portuguese and English
- Biblioteca Digital, Câmara dos Deputados, Lisbon – met vier secties, waaronder obras raras
- Corpus Legislativo da Idade Média Anotado (CLIMA), Universidade Lusiada, Porto – a portal for a repertory of medieval royal legislation, procedural law and local ordinances (foros)
- Lei e Jurisprudência, Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa – digitized legislation between 1821 and 1910
- Biblioteca Digital, Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – with works from the nineteenth and twentieth century
- Alma Mater: Biblioteca de Fundo Antigo de UC, Universidade de Coimbra – a digital library with a section Biblioteca Digital da Faculdade de Direito; interface Portuguese and English
- Biblioteca Digital, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
- Ordenações Afonsinas (1446), Plataforma SILB – Sesmarias do Império Luso-Brasileiro (séculos XIV – XIX)), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- Ordenações Manuelinas (1511-1512), Plataforma SILB
- Ordenações Filipinas (1603), Plataforma SILB
- Biblioteca Digital do Exército, Bibliotecas da Defesa
- Materiais para a História Eleitoral e Parlamentar Portuguesa 1820-1926, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal – a portal on the history of elections, with not only legislation and parliamentary debates, but also images and a bibliography
- Portugal and Brazil Collection, John Carter Brown Library – Internet Archive – a collection with some 1,800 titles
- Arquivo Digital, O Governo dos Outros: Imaginários Políticos no Império Português, Universidade de Lisboa – a selection of mainly legislative sources for Portugal and its colonial empire (PDF’s)
- Biblioteca Digitala Nationala, Biblioteca Nationala a Romaniei, Bucarest
- Biblioteca Digitală a Bucureştilor, Biblioteca Metropolitană București
- Biblioteca Academiei Române, Bucarest – the digital library of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences
- Biblioteca digitala Restitutio, Biblioteca Centralâ Universitarâ Carol I, Bucarest
- Biblioteca Digitală a Publicațiilor Culturale – a digital library concerning cultural heritage
- Biblioteca digitale BCU Cluj – a repository with also carti vechi si carti rare (old and rare books); interface in four languages
- Biblioteca digitalâ Transilvanicâ, Biblioteca Centralā Universitariā, Cluj – a digital library with books, manuscripts, newspapers and journals
- Digital National Library of Serbia, Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
- Sluzbeni glasnik – the official Serbian gazette from 1992 onwards
- Digital collections, Belgrad University Library – interface Serbian, English and German; there is a separate section for digitized newspapers
- The Joint Czech and Slovakian Digital Parliamentary Library, Vysegrad Digital Parliamentary Library – with Slovakian materials from 1939 onwards
- Digitalna, Univerzitná kninica v Bratislave, Bratislava – a general digital library; interface in nine languages
- Katalóg digitálnej kniznice, Slovenská národná kniznica, Martin – the digital library of the Slovakian national library, with seven subsections
- Digital Library of Slovenia – the digital library of the National and University Library; interface Slovenian and English
- Sistory Zgodovina Slovenije [Portal for Slovenian History] – with access to digitized archival collections, books and journals, including census records, official gazettes, parliamentary debates and legislation; interface Slovenian and English
- Kamra: digitalarana kulturna dedišcina slovenskih pokrajin [Kamra, digitized cultural heritage of Slovenian regions] – a portal with mainly digital collections from a number of libraries; interface Slovenian, Hungarian, English and Italian
- Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid
- Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico – a portal to manuscripts and printed books in Spanish digital collections
- Hemeroteca Digital, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid – with also legal periodicals and collections of laws and decrees, filter e.g. for Derecho
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel Cervantes – a rich portal with a number of digital libraries and much more, including for example a Hemeroteca for journals and a section for Latin America; in this comprehensive digital repository you can also find books relevant to legal history and jurisprudence
- Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica, Ministero de Cultura y Deporte – with a Colección iberamericano
- Biblioteca Digital, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid
- Biblioteca de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Madrid
- Legislación Histórica de España, Ministério de Cultura, Madrid – a searchable database with digital facsimiles on both Iberian and Latin-American legislation
- Legislación histórica de la España (1810-1978), Congreso de los Diputados – a searchable database to find digitized legislative and constitutional texts
- LegisHca: Legislación Histórica en red, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche – a database for searching legislation from the nineteenth century until 1939
- Boletín Oficial del Estado, Gobierno de España – the modern gazette since 1960, with also digitized versions of the Gazeta (1661-1959)
- Biblioteca Juridica, Boletín Oficial del Estado – with much attention to Spanish legal history and its sources; search interface in seven languages
- Constituciones Españolas y estranjeras, Ministerio de la Presidencia, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid – with both historical and contemporary versions
- Biblioteca de Historia Constitucional Martinez Marina, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales – with digitized works from 1798 onwards
- La Constitución española de 1812, Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
- Universidad Autonomá Madrid, Biblioteca del Derecho – a wonderful overview of relevant digital libraries, and supplemented by the Fondo Antiguo of Biblos-e Archivo, the UAM’s digital library
- Biblioteca Digital de Textos del Español Antiguo: Textos legales españoles, Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies – mainly fueros and the Siete Partidas, with concordances
- Biblioteca Digital Dioscórides: Derecho, Universidad Complutense Madrid
- Patrimonio Digital Complutense – the main digital library
- Biblioteca Histórica Digital, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados, Madrid
- Libros y Folletos, Biblioteca Digital, Ateneo de Madrid
- Fondo Antiguo, e-Archivo, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid – some 400 Early Modern works, many of them touching law
- Biblioteca Digital, Biblioteca de la Comunidade de Madrid
- PixeLegis, Universidad de Sevilla, Biblioteca del Derecho y Ciencias del Trabajo
- Fondos Digitales: Fondo Antiguo, Universidad de Sevilla – here, too, one can find digitized juridical works – see also the Internet Archive (nearly 26,000 items), in particular for porcones, allegaciones juridicas and pleitos
- Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés – both modern Spanish law and sources for legal history
- Repositorio Documental, Fondo Antiguo, Universidad de Granada – with many juridical works
- Historia del Derecho, Repositorio Institucional, Universidad de Oviedo – some 400 books
- Bizkaika Foru Aldundia – Digital Library, Bilbao – works in Basque, Spanish and Latin
- Biblioteca Digital: Biblioteca Histórica, Universidad de Salamanca
- Biblioteca Virtual Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, Granada
- Biblioteca Digital Floridablanca, Universidad de Murcia
- Biblioteca Saavedra Fajardo de Pensamiento Político Hispánico, Universidad de Murcia
- Biblioteca, Minerva, Repositorio institucional, Biblioteca Universitaria de Santiago de Compostela – with texts in Galician
- Biblioteca Virtual Joan Lluís Vives – this virtual library contains also juridical books
- Fondos digitalizados, Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona – not only manuscripts, printed books, maps and music scores, but also medieval charters and the Cadastre d’Aparici (1714-1718); interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Memòria Digital de Catalunya (MDC) – a portal to several digital collections, for example on the Spanish Succession War, the reign of Fernando VII and Isabella II (1814-1868), and the incunables of the Biblioteca de Catalunya; interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Legislació històrica catalana impresa (1481-1706), Illustre Collegi d’Advocats de Barcelona – both legislation and commentaries; part of the Memòria Digital de Catalunya
- Legislació histórica del Corona d’Aragó, Illustre Collegi d’Advocats de Barcelona (MDC) – 72 Early Modern printed works with historical legislation, some commentaries and treatises for the kingdom of Aragón
- Els Llibres del Consolat del Mar, Illustre Collegi d’Advocats de Barcelona (MDC) – nine Early Modern editions of this famous medieval text on maritime law
- Llibres impreses, Segle XVI, Biblioteca del Ateneu Barcelonès – in particular juridical works from the sixteenth century
- Biblioteca Patrimonial Digital, Universitat de Barcelona – with five collections concerning law (dret)
- Fons de literatura juridica antiga, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona – a small collection accessible at the portal Memòria Digital de Catalunya
- Al-legacions juridiques, Illustri Col-legi de l’Advocats de Barcelona – some 2,200 legal allegations presented in legal procedures from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries
- Els juristes de la Monarquia Hispánica: segles XVI_XVIII), Illustri Col-legi de l’Advocats de Barcelona – some 270 Early Modern legal books
- Llibres i col-leciones, Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – the part of the digital repository for books and some other collections, with older works in the sections Antiquària (abans 1801) and the Fons Carandell; interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Biblioteca Valenciana Digital – searching for example for “Dret” (Law) yields a lot of books; accessible in Spanish, Valencian and English
- SOMNI, Fondo histórico, Roderic, Universidad de Valencia
- Cortes de Aragón, Fondo Documental Histórico, Zaragoza – books, manuscripts, maps and drawings
- Fondo histórico, ZAGUAN, Universidad de Zaragoza – rare printed books, manuscripts and archival records; interface Spanish and English
- Biblioteca Digital de Castilla y Léon – here, too, one can find digitized works of a legal nature
- Bilketa, portail des fonds documentaires basques – a digital library with Basque sources; interface Basque and French
- LIBRO: The Library of Iberian Resources Online, University of Central Arkansas – online editions of modern scholarship on Iberian history
- Biblioteca Digital Loyola: Patrimonio Bibliografico, Universidad Deusto (Bilbao/San Sebastian)
- Biblioteca Hispanica, AECID, Madrid – a digital library created by the Spanish ministry for foreign affairs with historical works
- Fondo histórico, Biblioteca Digital Universidad de Alcalá – some 250 works from the sixteenth to the twentieth century
- Biblioteca Navarra Digital (BiNaDi) – with a section Fueros y leges de Navarra
- Singularis, Tesoros Bibliográficos del Consorcio Madroño – a digital portal with rare books, manuscripts and graphical work from six universities, mainly in Madrid
- Textos histórico-juridicos, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – a selection of links to digitized texts for Roman and canon law, and for Spanish legal history
- Sondera – until January 2020 a search portal for searching with one action in the Libris library portal, the national archival database NAD and audiovisual documents in the Svensk Mediedatabase; interface Swedish and English
- Alvin – portal for cultural heritage collections – a portal for digital collections of three Swedish university libraries (Göteborg, Lund and Uppsala) and some city libraries; interface Swedish and English
- Digitaliserat material, Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm – with various digital collections
- Statens offentliga utredningar (1922-1999) (SOU), Kungliga Biblioteket – digitized versions of reports on proposed legislation, with also a free text search version (Universitet Linköping)
- Digitaliserat rikstagstryck 1521-1970, Kungliga Biblioteket – 450 years of parliamentary papers and government publications
- Svenska Dagstidningar, Kungliga Biblioteket – Swedish newspapers
- Digitala samlingar, Umeå Universitet – among the digitized rare books are a few books concerning Juridik; interface Swedish and English
- Fornsvenska textbanken, Lunds Universitet – a collection of digitized texts in Old Swedish, with pride of place for the volumes of the Samling af Sveriges Gamla Lagar (1827-1877)
- Litteraturbanken – texts or scans of literary works and books on cultural history; interface Swedish and English
- e-Helvetica, Swiss National Library, Bern
- Bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC – with an user interface in four languages
- e-rara – a digital library portal for old editions, with a search interface in English, German and French
- e-periodica, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule, Zürich – a portal to digitized Swiss journals; interface German, English and French
- – a portal for digitized Swiss newspapers; interface in four languages
- Amtsdruckschriften, Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv, Bern – the Bundesblatt from 1848 onwards, diplomatic documents for 1848-1945, Bundesratsprotokolle 1848-1882, and the Amtliches Bulletin der Bundesversammlung 1971-1995
- Verfassungsgeschichte, A. Tschentscher, Bern – Swiss constitutions and constitutional documents; there are also sections for the United Kingdom and the United States
- Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen online (SSRQ), Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins – digitized versions of the earlier series with source editions; interface in German, French and Italian – also as XML/TEI and searchable at histHUB with other resources
- Rechtsquellen des Kantons Zürich, Sources Online and Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich -search interface German, English and French
- Recueil helvétique, Pascal Delvaux – a database version of the eight volumes of the Bulletin des lois et des décrets de la République helvétique (1798-1803)
- DigiBern: Berne Kultur und Geschichte im Internet, Universitätsbibliothek Bern – with a section Gesetze und Verordnungen, there is also attention for the lawyer Eugen Huber
- Biblioteca digitale del Cantone Ticino
- Bodmer Lab, Fondation Martin Bodmer and Université de Genève – several digitized special collections
- Patrinum, Réseau vaudois des bibliothèques – the digital library for cultural heritage of a number of libraries in the region around Lausanne; interface in four languages
- Scriptorium, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire (BCU), Lausanne – a platform for digitized newspapers, almanac , journals and books, with also the Encyclopédie d’Yverdon (58 vol., 1770-1780, see this search guide) and the Bulletin du Grand Conseil
- Ukrainica, V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv – with several subcollections, including newspapers and maps, and a multilingual search interface
- Digital Library of Historical and Cultural Heritage – a second digital platform of this library
- Culture of Ukraine Electronic Library, Yaroslav the Wise National Library, Kyiv – interface Ukrainian, Russian and English
- Old Printed Books, digital repository of European rarities, National University of Kyiv, Kyiv – some 1300 books; interface Ukrainian and English
- Izbornyk – digitized sources and materials concerning Ukrainian and Russian history
- Diasporiana Elektronike Bibliotheke – a general digital library
- Rare books, I Mechnikov University, Odessa – with juridical works among the old books; interface Ukranian, Russian and English
- eScriptorium, Kharkiv University
- Digital Library, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv – with a virtual museum (interface Ukrainian and English)
- Libraria: Ukrainian Periodical Archive Online – journals and newspapers; interface Ukrainian and English
- National History Library of Ukraine, Kyiv – with digitized publications of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences between 1919 and 1931
United Kingdom
- The Gazette – not only the modern official notices, but also from the London, Belfast and Edinburgh gazettes
- Legislation, The National Archives – mostly modern legislation, but also 79 acts in the Acts of the English Parliament (1267-1709) and 58 acts in the Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain (1707-1800)
- British Parliamentary Publications, University of Southampton – Internet Archive – some 14,000 digitized publications
- British Non-Parliamentary Publications (BOPCRIS), University of Southampton – Internet Archive a complementary collection with some 1,900 items from the twentieth century
- Digital collections, British Library, London
- Digital Collections, University College, London
- Digital Collections, The Warburg Institute, London – not only books about art, philosophy, Classical Antiquity and the Renaissance
- Digital Library, London School of Economics – with for example The Women’s Library
- Cambridge Digital Library, University of Cambridge – with for example books from Montaigne’s library
- Digital Bodleian, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
- Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services
- Text Creation Partnership – with Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) and Evans Early American Imprints; also available through the Oxford Text Archive
- Digital Library, University of Leeds
- Image collections, University of Manchester Library
- Manchester Digital Collections, University of Manchester Library
- Digital Library, University of Southampton
- Warwick Digital Collections, University of Warwick
- York Digital Library, University of York – with also items from York Minster
- Digital Gallery, The National Library of Wales – with several digital collections, and also Welsh Newspapers
- Digital Special Collections, University of Cardiff Libraries
- Digital collections, Special Collections, Aberdeen University
- Digital Gallery, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh – with numerous digital collections
- Glasgow Digital Library, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
- Digitized books, manuscripts and photographs, Glasgow University
- Digitized collections, Special Collections, St Andrews University Library
- Scottish Distributed Digital Library – a portal to digital collections in Scotland
- Historical directories of England & Wales, Special Collections, University of Leicester – nearly 700 directories from the 1850s, the 1890s and the 1910s, some even from around 1760
- British Documents on the End of Empire (BDEEP), Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London – digitized versions of the volumes in this series, including the guides for sources on colonial history held at the National Archives
Vatican City
- DigiVatLib, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana – online catalogues and digital collections of an incomparable library