This page offers a basic overview of the wide field of Digital Humanities, albeit no more than a kind of web directory with some comments. There are three main sections: a general section with also attention to structures and organizations, a section on a number of themes with special attention to text editing and digital philology, and a section with overviews of relevant projects. Some websites might figure easily under two or more headings or under a different heading. A number of themes and aspects clearly deserve more attention here. You are welcome to suggest any additions.
I created the first version of this page in German during the summer 2019 at my blog Glossae about a twelfth-century fragment of the Digest with early glosses. The overview seemed to fit here equally, with of course updates and some adjustments.
Introductions and basic guides
- Around DH in 80 days, Alex Gil – a classic tour of DH in eighty chapters concerning specific projects, created in 2014
- Clio Guide. Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften, Clio Online – in particular for digital work forms and techniques
- Digital Humanities: Research Guide, University at Buffalo – with attention for project management and ethics
- CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide
- Digital Humanities – Research Guide, New York University – Abu Dhabi Library
- Digital Humanities Workbench, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
- Digital Humanities, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona – with a number of useful overviews and introductions
- Digital Toolkit, Educational & Classroom Technologies, Princeton University – a selection of introductions to DH tools
- Guide: Digital Humanities, MIT Libraries
- Digital Humanities Initiative, University of Illinois, Chicago – with a wide variety of subjects and links to project overviews of a number of American universities
- Digital Humanities, LibGuides, Northwestern University Evanston, IL
- Einführung in die Digital Humanities, Christof Schöch
- MetoDHology, Center for Digital Humanities Research, Australian National University
- Resources for Getting Started in Digital History, American Historical Association – part of the section Digital History Resources
- Semantic Web and Linkd Data, Research Guide, UCLA Library
- Subject and Course Guide Digital Humanities, University of Illinois at Chicago
- The Digital Humanities Literacy Guidebook.(2019), Scott B. Weingart, Susan Grunewald, Matthew Lincoln et alii (eds.) – not a book, but an online guide and glossary
- Tooling Up for Digital Humanities, Stanford University
- Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom: A Practical Introduction for Teachers, Lecturers, and Students, Claire Battershill und Shawna Ross – a website accompanying a book (2017)
- Wiki PIREH: Des ressources pour utiliser le numérique en histoire, Pôle Informatique de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Histoire, Université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne
- dblp computer science bibliography, Universität Trier
- #DHJewish, Université de Luxembourg – Zotero
- Digihist, Jörg Wettlaufer, Universität Göttingen – a bibliography and links about and for Digital History
- Digital Art History, Frick Art Reference Library – Zotero
- digitalclassics, Digital Classicist – Zotero
- Digital Humanities, Monoskop – with many references for the history of DH
- Digital Humanities, Dan Cohen – Zotero
- Digital Legal History, Andreas Wagner, Frankfurt am Main – Zotero
- Doing Digital Humanities – A DARIAH Bibliography, Zotero
- EAGLE Epigraphic Bibliography, EAGLE Project – Zotero – an online bibliography for research on inscriptions from classical Antiquity
- EpiDig: Digital Epigraphy Bibliography, Tom Elliott et alii – Zotero
- Bibliography, Historical Network Research – also on Zotero
- Humanidades digitales, Red Humanidades Digitales – Zotero
- humanitiesGIS, Zotero – from the Spatial Humanities Group, Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia Library
- IEG DH Lab, Leibniz-Institut für europäische Geschichte, Mainz – Zotero
- Know More, Digital Humanities Austria – a selection of books, organizations, resources and software
- WE1S Bibliography, What Every1 Says, 4Humanities – the bibliography by Naz Keynejad and Alan Liu of this project on humanities in the media has sections on digital humanities, topic modeling, quantitative analysis and other subjects
Introductory books
- Clifford Anderson (ed.), Digital Humanities and Libraries and Archives in Religious Studies. An Introduction (Berlin-Boston, 2022)
- Tara Andrews (ed.), Digital Humanities (2016), Living Books about History, – an anthology of articles
- Grigoris Antoniou, Paul Groth, Frank van Harmelen and Rinke Hoekstra, A Semantic Web Primer (3rd ed., 2012) – see also the book’s website for the earlier editions and additional materials
- Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner and Jeffrey Schnapp, Digital Humanities (2012) – PDF
- Johanna Drucker et alii, DH 101: Introduction to Digital Humanities – Concepts, Methods, and Tutorials for Students and Instructors (2013), UCLA Center for Digital Humanities – also as a PDF and in the Internet Archive
- Johanna Drucker, The digital humanities coursebook : an introduction to digital methods for research and scholarship (London 2021)
- Jennifer Edmond et alii, The trouble with Big Data. How datafication displaces cultural practices (2021)
- Karin van Es and Mirko Tobias Schäfer (eds.), The Datafied Society. Studying Culture through Data (2017)
- Domenico Fiormonte et alii (eds.), The digital humanist: A critical inquiry (2015) – translation of L’humanista digitale (2010)
Mats Fridlund, Mila Oiva & Petri Paju (eds.), Digital histories Emergent apporaches within the New Digital History (2020)
- Eileen Gardiner and Ronald Musto (eds.),The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars (2015)
- Ian Gregory, A Place in History. A Guide to Using GIS in Historical Research (2002)
- Jennifer Guiliano, A primer for Teaching Digital History. Ten Design Principles (2022)
- Helene Hahn et alii (eds.), DH-Handbuch / Handbuch Digital Humanities (2015) – DARIAH-DE, also as PDF
- Tim Heath and Christian Bizer, Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space (2011)
- Jenna Herdman, A Digital Humanities Primer for English Students (2018)
- Seth van Hooland et alii (eds.), Introduction aux humanités numériques : méthodes et pratiques. Sciences humaines et sociales (2016)
- Mary-Jo Kline and Susan Holbrook Perdue, A Guide to Documentary Editing (3rd edition, 2013)
- Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc, Quantitative Methods in the Humanities. An Introduction (2019)
- Quanti IHMC, Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc – the accompanying website for the first French version of their handbook, Méthodes quantitatives pour l’historien (2008) – introduction and bibliography in Open Access, Cairn
- Steven Manson (ed.), Mapping, society and technology (2017)
- Ian Milligan, The transformation of historical reseacrh in the digital age (2022)
- Pierre Mounier (ed.), Read / Write Book 2. Une introduction aux humanités numériques (2006/2012)
- Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Linked Data for Digital Humanities (2023)
- The Open Data Handbook, Open Knowledge Foundation – available in several languages
- Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth (eds.), A Companion to Digital Humanities (2008) – there is a new edition, A New Companion to Digital Humanities (2016)
- Silke Schwandt (ed.), Digital methodes in the humanities. Challenges, ideas, perspectives (2020)
- Ray Siemens and Susan Schreibman, A Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2008)
- Tim Sherratt, Digital Heritage Handbook
- Patrik Svensson, Big Digital Humanities: Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital (2016)
- Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan and Edward Vanhoutte (eds.), Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader (2013) – partially accessible in Open Access
- Charles Travis et alii (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities (London 2023)
- Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras and Julianne Nyhan, Digital Humanities in practice (2012)
- #DHJewish: Jewish Studies & Digital Humanities, Université de Luxembourg
- Digital Humanities readings and resources, Folgerpedia, The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C. – a very useful selection of links concerning Early Modern English literature and texts at the encyclopedic portal of this library
- Digital Scholarship
- The Digital Classicist Wiki
- Digital Islamic Humanities Project, Brown University, Providence, RI
- DigLitWeb: Digital Literature Web – a portal in English and Portuguese about literature, with an extended section on DH journals
- Digital Ottoman Studies
- Islamicate Digital Humanities
- Patrimoine et Numérique – with tutorials, tools, resources and links
- Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN)
- Rinascimento: Digital Renaissance Studies, Harvard University Library – formally not a portal, but surely a useful guide and overview
- TaDiRAH: Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities, DARIAH-EU – a classification last updated in 2014
- Tempopedia: Digital History Directory, Sebastian Majstorovic – a portal for collections and tools
- W3C Wiki
- W3C Semantic Web
Repertories for DH-tools
- Boîte à outils numériques, – also in German and Italian; an update is announced for 2023
- CHNM Tools Center – now defunct, but a corner with tools survived for a long time; see datasets and more at GitHub
- Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN)
- Digital Humanities-Dashboard, DARIAH-DE
- Digital Research Tools (DiRT Directory) – the first version still exists
- DH Toolchest: Digital Humanities Resources for Project Building, Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara – with an overview of online tutorials; the list with commented datasets and collections is very useful
- DMI Tools, Digital Methods Initiative
- Erfgoedkit, Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed – a site with a searchable tool database and links to actual projects concerning (digitized) cultural heritage in the Netherlands; interface Dutch
- CEST: Cultureelerfgoedstandaardentoolbox, Meemoo – this wonderful Wordfeud word stands for a Flemish wiki with guidelines, standards, software and a glossary for digitizing cultural heritage; interface Dutch
- FindMyTool: Digitale Tools für den Unterricht – a structured overview of tools for educational and other aims, such as conference and cooperation tools
- Impact Centre of Competence – with a DH glossary and a tools wiki
- TAPoR3: Discover research tools für studying texts, University of Alberta, Edmonton
- TERESAH, DARIAH-EU – Authorative Knowledge Registry for Researchers – a register for DH tools
- Tools and Services, DARIAH-EU
- Tools for Corpus Linguistics
- TTHUB: Text Technologies Hub. Recursos sobre technologías del texto y edición digital
- Annot@tio – Sprachgeschichte und Digital Humanities
- Arche Logos, Julianna Nyhan
- Associação das Humanidades Digitais
- DH@Innsbruck – Digital History Innsbruck
- DH + LIB
- DHdBlog: Digital Humanities im deutschprachigen Raum
- DH Theorie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Digital Humanities Theorie
-, Jörg Wettlaufer
- Digital & Public History, Serge Noiret
- Digital History Berlin
- Digital Humanities am DHIP – with its counterpart in French Digital Humanities à l’IHA
- Digital Humanities How – a blog with nutshell guides for DH tools in Italian
- Digital Humanities Lab, Leibniz-Institut für europäische Geschichte (IEG), Mainz
- Digital Humanities Methods and Tools
- The Digital Orientalist
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Lisa Spiro – with the succinct guide Getting Started in the Digital Humanities (2011)
- Digital scholarship blog, British Library
- digitale:geschichte: Digital Humanities Universität Wien
- Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft
- Doing Public History – a collaborative blog from Cambridge
- <E-NUMHIST>: Enseigner le numérique aux historien·ne·s
- eScripta: Digital Tools and Techniques for the Study of Ancient Writing
- Filología digital, Javier Espejo Suros – with a very extensive blogroll
- – Blog do Grupo de Pesquisas Humanidades Digitais, Universidade de São Paulo
- HowTo, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
- href: A link to digitized primary source projects in German and global history, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
- Huma-Num: La TGIR des humanités numériques
- Humanidades digitales, Red de Humanidades Digitales de México
- La boîte à outils des historien-n-es, Franziska Heimburger and Émilien Ruiz
- InFoDiTex: Interdisciplinary forum of digital textual sciences – Junior research infrastructure
- LaTex Ninja’ing and the Digital Humanities – not only about LaTex
- Le goût de l’archive à l’ère numérique, Frédéric Clavert and Caroline Muller – with a useful section Histoire et numérique: Bibliographie indicative
- L’histoire contemporaine à l’ère numérique. Humanités et études numériques en histoire contemporaine
- Miriam Posner’s Blog: Digital Humanities, data, labor and information
- Open Methods, Humanities at Scale and DARIAH
- Philologia – Philologie à venir: Textes (anciens) et humanités numériques
- Proyecto Humboldt Digital
- Quanti / Sciences sociales
- SciHi blog
- the scottbot irregular – Scott B. Weingart
- We Think History: Collaborative Digital History
Digital Humanities Now is a blog aggregator with a very large list of blogs and feeds.
Structures for and in Digital Humanities
- The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) – with Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Australasian Association for Digital Humantiies (AA-H)
- centerNet: An international network of digital humanities centers
- CLARIN – European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology
- Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship SIG, IFLA
- Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN)
- Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group, LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)
- Digital Library Federation
- Digital Medievalist
- The Digital Methods Initiative
- Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)
- The European Association for Digital Humaniites (EADH)
- Gesellschaft für Wissenschafltiche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) – a DH services portal working with the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and the Universität Göttingen
- Global Outlook::Digital Humanities
- Humanistica: Association francophone des humanités numériques
- Humanities Networked Infratsructure (HuNI) – a platform for collections, data and projects in Australia
- Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE)
- Islamic Digital Humanities Network (IDHN)
- Network for Digital Humanities in Africa
National organizations
- Digital Humanities Austria
- Platform{DH}, Universiteit Antwerpen – a platform for DH projects in Flanders
- CLARIAH VL Open Humanities Service Infrastructure – a platform for DH in Flanders
- Digital Humanities Benelux
- Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne des Humanités Numériques (CSDH-SCHN)
- Digital Research Alliance of Canada / Alliance de recherche numérique du Canada
- Common Lab Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (CLARIAH-NL) – interface Dutch and English
- Czech Association for Digital Humanities
- DHd: Digital Humanities im deutschprachigen Raum
- DH Estonia: Estonian Society for Digital Humanities
- Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD)
- Digital Humanities Japan – with a resources wiki
- Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (Dutch Digital Heritage Network) – a portal for initiatives concerning visible, reuseable and durable digitized cultural heritage; in Dutch with a partial English version
- Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas – with a links collection mainly for organizations
- Российская Ассоциация Цифровых Гуманитарных Наук [Russian Assocation for Digital Humanities] – interface Russian and English
- Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH)
- DH-Ch Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities-Turkey
DH laboratories – a selection
- Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
- DigHumLab Denmark, Aarhus
- DH LAB, KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam
- Antwerp Centre for Digital Humanities and Literary Criticism (ACDC)
- Digital Humanities Lab, Universität Basel
- Berkeley D-LAB
- SBB-Lab, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz
- Digital Humanities, Universität Bern
- DH.ARC: Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre, Bologna
- Cambridge Digital Humanities
- Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities
- Centre for Digital Humanities, Göteborgs Universitet
- Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
- KB LAB, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague – with datasets and tools
- Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- metaLAB Harvard
- Digital Humanities Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Computational Humanities, Universität Leipzig
- KIng’s Digital Lab, King’s College, London
- Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (“C²DH”)
- Digital Humanities, MIT School of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences – see also Hyperstudio
- Digital Humanities @Oxford
- The Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield
- Digital Humanities, Stanford Humanities Center
- Trier Center for Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities Lab, Universiteit Utrecht
- Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia Library
- LC Labs, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Digital Humanities Lab, Yale University Library
Education and training
- Campus, DARIAH – with tutorials, sources and courses
- Codecademy
- Course Materials, Summerschool Digitale Methodik, Mainz
- #dariahTeach: Open Educational Resources for the Digital Arts & Humanities, DARIAH-EU
- DevDH: Development for the Digital Humanities
- Digital Epigraphy, Harvard University, KU Leuven and other institutions – with tools, tutorials and projects
- DH Tools for Beginners
- Digital Humanities Summer Minor, Berkeley, CA
- Digital Humanities Cologne
- Digital Humanities Courses Registry, CLARIN and DARIAH-EU
- Digital Humanities, Obdurodon
- Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, British Columbia
- Digital Methods Initiative
- EUCLID: Educational Curriculum for the usage of Linked Data
- Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT)
- Methodica Commons: Digital Text Methods, University of Alberta, Edmonton – a Canadian portal for textual analysis associated with TaPoR; note the glossary of terms
- openHPI, Hasso Plattner Institut, Potsdam – with courses in German and English
- Open Science Training Handbook
- QGIS Tutorials and Techniques, Ujaval Gandhi – also for network analysis and Python
- The Programming Historian – compact tutorials for using tools in English, German and Spanish
- School of Data
- THATCamp, The Humanities and Technology Camp
- W3Schools
- CA: Journal of Cultural Analytics
- Code4Lib Journal
- Current Research in Digital History
- Digital Classics Online
- Digital Humanities Benelux Journal
- Digital Humanities Quarterly
- Digitalia: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Digitalia
- DigItalia: Rivista del digitale nei beni culturali
- Digital Medievalist
- Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities – with some articles in Open Access
- Digital Studies / Le champ numérique
- D-Lib Magazine (1995-2017)
- Document numérique
- Early Modern Digital Review
- Frontiers in Digital Humanities
- Humanist Studies and The Digital Age
- Humanités numériques
- International Journal of Digital Curation
- International Journal of Digital Humanities
- International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing
- Journal for Digital Legal History
- Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
- Journal of Digital and Media Literacy
- Journal of Digital Humanities (2011-2014)
- Journal of Digital Information (1997-2012)
- Journal of Digital Islamicate Research
- Journal of Historical Network Research
- Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy
- Journal of Open Humanities Data
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing (1998-2010)
- Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative
- Language Resources and Evaluation
- Le médiéviste et l’ordinateur (1979-2003)
- Les Cahiers du Numérique
- Open Library of Humanities
- Public History Weekly
- RESET: Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet
- Reviews in Digital Humanities
- Revista de Humanidades Digitales
- RIDE, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik
- Scholarly Editing
- Semantic Web Journal
- Textpraxis. Digitales Journal für Philologie
- Umanistica Digitale
- Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (ZfdG)
Special journal issues about DH
- Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities – VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 14 (2018) – Open Access
- Building the Digital Lincoln – Journal of American History, September 2009 – Open Access
- The Digital Middle Ages – Speculum 92/1 (2017) – Open Access
- Digital History: la storia nell’era dell’accesso – Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea 10/2 (2012) – Open Access
- Digital Humanities – Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 43/1 (2018) – Open Access
- Digital Humanities – Historical Social Research 37/3 (2012) – Open Access
- Digital Humanities and Legal History – Forum, Rg/Rechtsgeschichte 24 (2016) – Open Access
- Digital Humanities 2017: Bridging Digital Humanities, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34, Supplement 1 (2019) – Open Access
- Digital Law and History – Law and History Review 34/4 (2016)
- Digital History – BMGN/Low Countries History Review 128/4 (2013) – Open Access
- Digital Medieval Manuscripts Cultures – Archive Journal, September 2018 – Open Access
- Le texte à l’épreuve du numérique – Médiévales 73, automne 2017 – Open Access
- Nordic Digital Humanities and Practices – HUMAN IT 14/2 (2018) – Open Access
- The Digital Humanities: Beyond computing – Culture Machine 12 (2011) – Open Access
Discussion forums and news lists
- Digital Humanities Questions & Answers, Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
- Digital Humanities Hub, H-Net
- Humanist Discussion Group, King’s College, London
- Digital Classicist, JISCM@il
- Humanities Commons
- Liste francophone de discussion autour des Digital Humanities (DH)
- Digital Humanities, Calenda
- Digital Humanities CFPs, Digital Humanities Hub, H-Net
- DLF Community Calendar, Digital Library Federation
- Events Calendar, DARIAH-EU
Some themes
Bibliographic tools
Books on Digital Humanities and history
- Reine-Marie Bérard, Bénédicte Girault and Catherine Rideau-Kikuchi (eds.), Initiation aux études historiques (2020) – with the blog Manuel numérique et réflexions pédagogiques
- Frédéric Clavert and Serge Noiret, L’histoire contemporaine à l’ère numérique / Contemporary History in the Digital Age (2013)
- Daniel Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig, Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web (2005)
- Karoline Döhring et alii (eds.), Digital History. Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken Digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft (2022)
- Jack Dougherty and Kristen Nawrotzki (eds.), Writing History in the Digital Age (2013) – accessible both as born-digital project and as a book
- T. Mills Ferry, Teaching History in the Digital Age (2013)
- Andreas Fickers and Juliana Tatarinov (eds.), Digital history and hermeneutics. Between theory and practice (2022)
- Shawn Graham, Ian Milligan and Scott Weingart, The Historian’s Macroscope: Big Digital History – “Final draft”, 2013, with a nice basic selection of digital projects at Zotero
- Jo Guldi, The dangerous art of text mining. A methodology for digital history (2023)
- Debora Paci (ed.), La storia in digitale: teorie e metodologie (2019)
- Todd Pressner, David Shepard and Yoh Kawano, HyperCities. Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities (2014)
- Philippe Rygiel, Historien à l’âge numérique (2017)
- Hannu Salmi, What is Digital History? (2020)
- Manfred Thaller, From History to Applied Science in the Humanities – Historical Social Research, Suppl. 29 (2017) – a collection of articles– Open Access
The portal CLIO Online offers a number of guides in German on digital methods and techniques for history.
Data Curation
Data Visualisation
- Selected tools,
- Data Visualisation, The Digital Panopticon: Tracing London Convicts in Britain & Australia, 1780-1925 – an introduction with a tools overview and a concise bibliography
Digital Preservation
- Digital Preservation Coalition – with the Digital Preservation Handbook
- Digital Preservation, Library of Congress
- Nestor: Langzeitarchivierung – interface German and English
- Open Preservation Foundation
- Tjarda de Haan, Robert Jansma and Paul Vogel, DIY Handboek voor webarcheologie (2017) – with a Factsheet Webarchaeology
- Archives Unleashed Project – a project which helps with several tools to use web archives for historical research
Digital public history
- Project directory, National Council on Public History
- David Dean (ed.), A companion to public history (2018) – with a chapter by Serge Noiret on digital public history
- Julian Chambliss, Reframing digital humanities. Conversations with digital humanists (2021) – with a interesting choice of projects in the appendix New Digital Worlds
- Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau and Gerben Zaagsma (eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (2022)
- The Inclusive Historian’s Handbook, American Association for State and Local History and National Council on Public History
- Digital History Methods – a course with syllabi and with yearly overviews of projects
History of DH
- Computerarchiv München, Munich
- The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes
- UvA Computermuseum, Amsterdam – also in English
- Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA – with also virtual exhibitions
- Living Computers: Museum + Labs, Seattle, WA
- Index of Digital Humanities Conferences, Carnegie Mellon University – an index to conference papers since the 1960’s
- Dorothy Kim and Adelina Koh (eds.), Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities (2021)
- Pierre Mounier, Les humanités numériques. Une histoire critique (2018)
- Jeremy Norman’s History of Information
- Julianne Nyhan and Andrew Flynn, Computation and the Humanities: Towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities (2016) – Open Access, OAPEN
- Kenneth M. Price and Ray Siemens, Literary Studies in the Digital Age. An Evolving Anthology – MLA Commons
- Valérie Schafer and Alexandre Serres, Histoires de l ïnternet et du web (2017), Living Books about History, – an anthology of articles, also in English
- Jeffrey Schnapp, Todd Pressner et alii, A Digital Humanities Manifesto (2008, 2009)
- Software Heritage – a platform for archiving software
- Virtuelles Museum Digital Humanities, Universität Trier
- RetroReveal – an online tool to enlarge contrast of images; access after free registration – freeware
- Colourise SG – an online tool for moderately colouring black-and-white photographs – freeware
- ImageJ – a tool for editing images
- Metabotnik – an online tool for reliable enlarging of images while maintaining sharpness – freeware
Open Data
- Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
- Data for History Consortium – with a platform for ontologies management
- Linked Data Fragments – a project offering solutions to bridge the gaps between clients and servers
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- Research Data Alliance
- Wikidata – the data portal to use and connect open data in the various Wikimedia platforms
Some tools for Linked Open Data:
- GraphDB
- LDWizard – Dutch, developed for linking cultural heritage
- OpenRefine
- PoolParty
- Protége
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- Automatic Text Recognition: Harmonising ATR Workflows – a blog with tutorials in English, French and German
- eScriptorium
- Historical and Mulitingual OCR, Northeastern University – a report from 2017
- HTR-United, GitHub – a catalog for OCR datasets and models
- Loghi, KNAW / Huygens Institute, Amsterdam, GitHub
- OCR4ALL, GitHub – especially for old printed books
- OCR-D [OCR Development], Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – in German and English
- Transkribus, Universität Innsbruck – used by many archives fpr both written and printed documents in numerous languages
Spatial history
- Finn Damman and Domink Kremer (eds.), Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities / Spatial Concepts, Approaches and Methods (Bielefeld 2024)
- Jo Guldi, What is The Spatial Turn?, Spatial Humanities, Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia
- Konrad Lawson, Riccardo Bavaj and Bernhard Struck, A guide to spatial history: areas, aspects, and avenues of research (2021), Institute for Transnational and Spatial History, University of St. Andrews
- Massimo Meccarelli and Maria Julia Solla Sastre (eds.), Spatial and Temporal Dimensions for Legal History. Research Experiences and Itineraries (2020)
- Bibliographic Framework Initiative (Bibframe), Library of Congress
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DublinCore)
- Linked Data
- List of Metadata Standards, Digital Curation Centre
- Metadata Standards, Library of Congress – for example EAD, MARC21, VRA Core
- Resource Description Framework, W3 Consortium Semantic Web – RDF and other standards, e.g. SPARQL
- Standardization Survival Kit, Parthenos, Huma-Num and DARIAH-EU
Studies and book series
- Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft, DeGruyter – with e.g. Monica Berti (ed.), Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution (2019) – partially in open access
- Debates in the Digital Humanities, CUNY Press – Open Access
- Digital Biblical Studies – Brill – Open Access (vol. 1 only partially) – with e.g. David Hamidović, Claire Clivaz and Sarah Bowen Savant (eds.), Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture. Visualisation, Data Mining, Communication (2019)
- Digital Humanities Research, De Gruyter – Open Access
- Digital Humanities Series, OpenEdition – with e.g. Matthew James Driscoll and Elena Pierazzo, Digital Scholarly Editing. Theory and Practices (2016), and Jennifer Edmond (ed.), Digital technology and the practices of humanities research (2020) – also at OpenBook Publishers
- Digital Humanities Series, Digital Culture Books, University of Michigan Press – Open Access – also from the publisher – with e.g. Julia Thomson Klein, Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field (2015) and Katherine Bode, A World of Fiction : Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History (2018)
- Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, Routledge
- Digital Scholarship Publications – with thematic bibliographies
- Encyclopédie numérique, OpenEdition – with e.g. Lou Burnard, What is the Text Encoding Initiative? (2014) – also in French – and Francesca Musiani et alii (eds.), Qu’est-ce qu’une archive du web? (2019) – see also the selection of books L’ère numérique
- Parcours numériques, Université de Montreal – with e.g. Étienne Cavallé et alii (eds.), Expérimenter les humanités numériques. Des outils individuels aux projets collectifs (2017)
- Schriftenreihe, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik – with the subseries Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter / Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age
- Sonderbände der ZfdG
- Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics, De Gruyter – a new book series, the first volume is by Max Kemman, Trading Zones of Digital History (2021) – Open Access
- Studies in Manuscript Culture, DeGruyter – a book series with a wide range -Open Access
- Topics in the Digital Humanities, University of Illinois Press
Single books:
- Arianna Ciula, Øyvind Eide, Cristina Marras and Patrick Sahle (eds.), Models and Modelling between Digital & Humanities – A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Historical Social Research, Suppl. 31, 2018)
- Daria Fišer and Andreas Witt (eds.), CLARIN. The infrastructure for language resources (2022)
- Silvia Orlandi et alii (eds.), Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context. Proceedings of the EAGLE 2016 International Conference (2017)
- Gimena del Rio Grande et alii (eds.), Humanidades Digitales : Construcciones locales en contextos globales. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales (2018) – PDF
- William Turkel, Digital Research Methods with Mathematica – both the first (2015) and the second edition (2019) are available
- Krisztián Vertés and The Epigraphic Survey, Digital Epigraphy (2nd ed., 2020)
Digital editing and philology
Auxiliary tools for text editions
- Lexicon of Scholarly Editing, Universiteit Antwerpen
- Parvum Lexicon Stemmatologicum: A brief lexicon of stemmatology, Universität Zürich
- Kriterien für die Besprechung digitaler Editionen, digitaler Textsammlungen und Forschungswerkzeuge, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik – criteria for assessing the quality of digital editions (German, English, Italian and Spanish), for digital text collections (English) and digital editing tools (English)
- Quality criteria for electronic source editions (2008), Porta Historica – in English, French, Spanish and German
- Minimum standards for electronic editions, The Association for Documentary Editing
- Best practices for digital diplomatic documentary editions, International Editors of Diplomatic Documents
- Manuel d’encodage XML-TEI Renaissance et temps modernes (Imprimés – manuscrits), Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes, Université Tours – a manual in version 4.0 (2017)
Books on digital editing
- Peter Boot et alii (eds.), Advances in digital scholarly editing (2017)
- Digital Editing of Medieval Texts: A Textbook, Marjorie Burghart (ed.) (2017)
- Matthew James Driscoll and Elena Pierazzo, Digital Scholarly Editing. Theory and Practices (2016)
- Mary-Jo Kline and Susan Holbrook Perdue, A Guide to Documentary Editing (3e dr., 2013)
- Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter / Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age – until now four volumes, part of the Schriftenreihe, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik
- Patrimonio textual y Humanidades digitales, Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renascentistas y Humanidades Digitales, Universidad de Salamanca – a book series appearing since 2020; PDF’s in open access
- Philipp Roelli (ed.), Handbook of Stemmatology. History, Methodology, Digital Approaches (2020)
- Marcello Vitali-Rosati en Michael E. Sinatra (eds.), Pratiques de l’édition numérique (2014)
Collation software
- ChrysoCollate, Université Catholique de Louvain – freeware – for collating and editing texts
- CollateX – freeware
- eComparatio, Universität Leipzig – freeware
- juxta – freeware
- Kollationstool, Capitularia. Edition der fränkischen Herrschererlasse, Universität Köln
- VisColl: Modelling and Visualizing the Phyical Construction of Codex Manuscripts, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania – with the VisColl Editor tool
- Cornelis van Lit, Among Digitized Manuscripts. Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World (Handbuch der Orientalistik, vol. 137 (Leiden-Boston 2019)) – with a Digital Appendix
- Boîte à outils Biblissima (Baobab) – not just a tools overview, but a wide choice of useful matters, including bibliographies; interface French and English
- Digital Editing of Medieval Manuscripts – a European platform, with a number of guides
- Digital Manuscripts Toolkit, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
- Digitizing Medieval Archives – despite the title this is an online course in digitizing medieval manuscripts
- International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) – a project with viewers for showing images in equal dimensions, for example the Mirador viewer for images of manuscripts and books
- Hannah Busch, Isabelle Gauer, Celia Krause, Philipp Vanscheidt, Kleine Handschriftenkunde für Digital Humanities [e-codicology tutorial], DARIAH-DE – originally created for eCodicology (Technische Universität Darmstadt and Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)
- Digital Humanities, Virtual Hill Manuscripts Museum and Library, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN – a number of projects and a selection of tools; note also its data portal
- Mapping Manuscript Migrations – an international project for tracing and retracing the wanderings of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts
- Mittelalter-Philologie im Internet, Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (ZfdA) – a series of articles since 2001
- Bridget Wheartey, Digital codicology, Medieval books and modern labor (Stanford, CA) – nnoiunced for November 2022
Platforms for digitally editing texts in manuscripts and prints
- Annotated Books Online
- Carolingian Canon Law Project, University of Kentucky
- ManuscriptDesk, DARIAH-BE and Universiteit Antwerpen
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- TEI Publisher – a toolbox
- TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS)
- TEI CAT: TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox, Marjory Burghart et alii
Text analysis
- Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis (CATMA), Universität Hamburg and DFG
- forTEXT: Literatur digital erforschen, Universität Hamburg and DFG – a German toolkit with also corpora and tutorials
- Open Semantic Search – a toolkit
- TextGrid: Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Geisteswissenschaften – with its own repository TextGridRep, interface German and English
- Voyant Tools
Tools for digital editions
- Archetype – a toolkit
- Digital Mappa – another toolkit
- Oriflamms – a toolkit from France, now used for dealing with medieval manuscripts, accompanied by a blog
- T-PEN: Transcription for Palaeographical and Editorial Notation
Overviews of projects
- CLARIN Resource Families
- Clarin Virtual Language Observatory (VLO) – a gateway to numerous online language corpora
- Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania
- Non-English, Parallel & Multilingual Corpora, Martin Weisser
- Texts & Corpora. The Linguist List
Country overviews
- Around DH, Global Outlook DH – digital humanities projects in languages other than English or from minority groups worldwide
- Resources, Australasian Association for Digital Humanities – both links to organizations and examples of projects in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
- Projects, EADH – a selection of projects in Europe
- Registries, Digital Preservation Europe – with overviews of projects, repositories and resources, alas not updated
- Digital Resources and Projects on East Asia, Paula Curtis
- Projects – DARIAH-BE – for Belgium
- DH-Projekte in Deutschland, DARIAH-DE – not just for Germany, usefully divided in several types, available in German and English
- Collection Registry, DARIAH-DE – for Germany, interface German and English
- Projekte, digital humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum – for Austria, Germany and Switzerland
- Digital Humanities Registry – Projects, Erasmus Studio and Clariah – Dutch Overview Digital Humanities – for the period 1992-2015
- Liste des sites hébergés par Huma-Num – projects in France
- Digital Humanities Database. H-France – a searchable database of digital projects for French and Francophone studies
- Progetti, AIUCD – a selection of projects from and about Italy
- Fonti storiche. Risorse per umanisti digitali – a website with a commented overview of project about Italian historical sources and resources
- Projects, Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
- Directory of digital projects, GrinUGR, Universidad de Granada – with projects from Spain
- Recursos, ARACNE, Red de Humanidades Digitales y Letras Hispánicas
Digitized manuscripts
- Digitized Medieval Manuscripts (DMMapp) – a survey and interactive map for finding libraries with digitized medieval manuscripts
- IIIF Collections – Rare Books and Manuscripts, Biblissima – projects using the Mirador Viewer – see also the overview of the IIIF Community
Examples of digital editions
- Catalog of Digital Editions, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Digital Scholarly Editions, Patrick Sahle, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik
- Electronic and Virtual Editions, Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities, Stanford University – a commented overview of music editions
- TEI Hub, Philip Allfrey – an overview of digital edition projects at GitHub using TEI in public repositories
HISGIS projects
- DH GIS Projects, Anterosis
- HGIS Links, HGIS Lab, University of Saskatchewan
- Historical Gazetteers, American Association of Geographers – and a list of digital atlases
- Roundup of resources on ancient geography, Ancient World Online (AWOL), Charles Jones
- The HGIS Club – with many projects and examples in the blogroll
- Projects and Resource Listings, GeoHumanities Special Interest Group, ADHO
- World Historical Gazetteer
Historical datasets
- Clio Infra: Global Inequality, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, and NWO – 77 datasets
- CLARIAH Data Stories – a platform with several examples of Dutch datasets, in particular from the IISH
- Data Catalogue, Consortium of European Social Sciences Data Archives (CESSDA)
Linked Open Data
- Data Portals – an overview of some 600 data portals
- European Data Portal
- Nomisma – a platform with datasets for a consortium of numismatic collections
- Platform Linked Open Data Nederland
- The Linked Open Data Cloud (LOD Cloud)
- Wikidata
Open Access
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Publications (ROAD), ISSN and UNESCO
- Open Access Directory, Simmons College – with many useful lists
- Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN)
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)
- OpenDOAR: Directory of Open Access Repositories, JISC
- Register of Research Data Repositories (Re3Data)
- Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
- Directory of Open Access Preprint Repositories (DOAPR)
The Bielefeld Academic Searche Engine (BASE) offers three overviews of the digital repositories it harvests, most of them in open access.
Spatial data
- INSPIRE Geoportal: Enhance access to European spatial data
- LinkedGeoData
- Ráfagas – Geospatial links everyday – a very substantial collection with tagged links
Other overviews
- Black Digital Humanities Projects & Resources
- Indigenous DH, Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University
- Resources, Islamic Digital Humanities Network
- Digital Humanities Awards: Highlighting Resources in Digital Humanities – since 2012 awards are given to projects, the nominations and results form an interesting parade
- RSA Digital Resources, Renaissance Society of America – a blog with notices about digital projects for Renaissance research