Facing the rich variety of digital collections it has a certain advantage to group them into several main categories. Books, archival records and images have each been put here into a category: digital libraries, digital archives and digital image collections. The sheer number of digital libraries is sufficient reason to present them separately, notwithstanding the fact that some libraries hold archival collections as well. Many digital collections present a great variety of sources. It is true one cannot separate books from documents and images. However, in my opinion even an incomplete survey of digital archives – combined with a repertory of archives – is certainly useful. A better understanding of and growing insight to digital collections for legal history will surely be reflected in their representation on this website, and thus virtual exhibitions appear on a separate page. This part of my website is updated frequently. Any constructive support is most welcome! Part of the labour for these pages is for example checking whether a digital archive contains digitized archival records or is simply a sloppy chosen name for a digital library. Comments on the contents are truly valuable and important.
This page offers an overview of image collections, starting with a number of national portals for digital heritage collections; for some countries I have added a few regional portals. Commercial projects and licensed databases have not been included, the exceptions are clearly marked. The classic collections for legal iconography are present here, too, and special subjects such as the Sachsenspiegel, emblem books, portraits and festival books.
Digitization and cultural heritage is a theme at yet another page, as is also the field of Digital Humanities.
National digital heritage portals
in alphabetical order of country, with also some regional portals
- MICHAEL: Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe – a useful site for finding digitized information, also for some individual countries, currently only for Germany
- Trove, National Library of Australia – the portal to digitized materials in Australian collections
- MEMORar: Fondos históricos, Ministerio de Cultura – a portal for searching digitized cultural heritage in Argentinian archives, libraries and museums
- Kulturpool – a portal of a number of cultural institutions in Austria with a search interface for their digital collections; interface in German and English
- Kultur und Wissenschaftserbe Steiermark – interface German and English
- Faro, support for Flemish cultural heritage – at this website you can find a compact overview of digital projects
- Numériques – a portal for digitized cultural heritage in Francophone Belgium
- Canadian National Digital Heritage Index (CNDHI) – a portal for searching digital collections
- Colecciones digitales, Servicio Nacional del Patrimonio Cultural, Chile
- Dansk Kulturarv – a platform for digitized materials from several Danish cultural institutions
- e-Varamu – the portal for digitized cultural heritage in Estonian archives, libraries and museums; interface Estonian and English
- Finna – the search portal for many Finnish archives, libraries and museums; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Plateforme Ouverte du Patrimoine, Ministère de la Culture
- Kulturerbe Digital – a portal for searching digital collections in Germany, with also an overview of portals; interface German, English and French
- SearchCulture: Greek cultural heritage in the digital space – a search platform and aggregator for some sixty institutions
- Hungaricana – a portal for digital collections created by archives, libraries and museums in Hungary; interface Hungarian and English
- Magyar Nemzeti Digitális Archívum [Hungarian National Digital Archive] – a portal to digitized audiovisual materials and text documents; interface Hungarian and English
- DHO Discovery, Digital Humanities Observatory, Royal Irish Academy – a portal to digital collections in Ireland, abandoned in 2013, there is a CSV file, and information about seven projects
- Digital Repository of Ireland – with now some 160 collections from numerous organisations
- Cultura Italia – an aggregator and search platform for digital collections in Italy; interface Italian and English
- Internet Culturale – a portal to digital collections in Italian libraries
- Japan Search – a portal created by the National Diet Library, Tokyo, for searching in a number of Japanese digital collections
- e-Paveldas: Bibliotekos-Muziejai-Arkyvai – the portal for digitized heritage collections of archives, libraries and museums in Lithuania; interface Lithuanian and English
- The Memory of The Netherlands, Delpher – a portal to some 130 digital collections of Dutch cultural and historic institutions, including important image collections – not be confused with the website Geheugen van Nederland with just eleven themes, numerous stories, and a links selection to some portal sites
- Collectie Nederland: Musea, Monumenten en Archeologie, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed – images and objects in Dutch museums, images of monuments and archaeological objects
- DigitalNZ – a portal to digital collections in New Zealand
- Portal za kulturu Republike Srpske [Culture portal of the Serbian Republic] – a portal to digitized cultural heritage in Serbia; interface Serbian
- Hispana – a portal to digital collections in Spain, with a searchable overview of some 600 collections
- Memória Digital de Catalunya – the portal for the digital collections of many archives, libraries and museums in Catalonia; there is a useful overview of digital collections at Col-lecions especials des biblioteques de Catalunya; interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Catalònica – Agregador de continguts digitals de Catalunya, Biblioteca de Catalunya and Generalitat de Catalunya – an aggregator and search platform for digitized collections in 35 repositories; interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Sondera – a former search portal for searching with one action in the Swedish Libris library portal, the national archival database NAD and audiovisual documents (Svensk Mediedatabase); interface Swedish and English – service ended in 2020
- Digicoord – a portal to digitization projects in Switzerland; interface in French and German; discontinued in August 2023 – the overview of edition projects at Infoclio can be helpful
- CultureGrid – a portal for finding digitized items in cultural collections within the United Kingdom
- Digital Public Library of America – this platform for digital collections is much more than only a digital library; among the primary sources sets are also subjects touching on law and government
- Digital Culture of Metropolitan New York – a portal to digital collections in New York
- New York Heritage Digital Collections – the portal for digital collections in the state New York
- Global Memory Net, Simmons College, Boston, MA – a portal aiming at presenting selected digital collections worldwide
At the page for digitization and cultural heritage you can find links to a number of Dutch regional portals for cultural heritage and cultural history.
Databases for legal iconography
- Rechtsikonographische Datenbank, Gernot Kocher, Universität Graz – some 250 images in a searchable database
- Virtuelle Sammlung, Hans Gross Kriminalmuseum, Graz
- Rechtsarchäologische Sammlung Karl von Amira, Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – Karl von Amira (1848-1930) was a pioneer of legal iconography; you can find here some 1,900 images
- Bilddatenbank, Abteilung Rechtsvisualisierung, Zentrum für Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschung, Universität Zürich – with for example the Bader-Künnsberg collection for legal iconography, the Sammlung Pfenninger for criminology, and notarial signets
- Dutch database for legal iconography, NCRD, The Hague, Royal Library – since 2002 online, only accessible for cardholders of the Royal Library and subscribing universities, alas suspended in December 2021; however, some 12,000 images are accessible at the Memory of the Netherlands portal (now a subdomain of Delpher)
- RechtsAlterTümer – online, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Universität Salzburg – a database on objects and texts related to Austrian legal history
- REALonline, Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, Krems an der Donau and Universität Salzburg – this database allows you to search for iconographic themes in medieval images
- Rechtsdenkmäler im Wald- und Weinviertel und Galgen in Österreich, Stefan Lefnaer – a private site on legal archaeology and iconography in Austria
- Fondo Antico – Immagini della Giustizia, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – an online exhibition with a bibliography
- Representing Justice, Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Law Library – a website with images from the book on legal iconography by Dennis Curtis and Judith Resnik, to be viewed together with the images collected in the Flickr gallery of YLS’s Rare Book Room, with albums for specific themes, where you can search also for themes and collections
- The Nomos of Law. Manifestations of the Law in Picture Atlases and Photo Archives, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence – a virtual exhibition created in 2013
- Rechtsikonographie und Rechtsarchäologie: Die Bildersammlung Karl Frölich, Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie, Frankfurt am Main – not only images, but also the correspondance and paper of this pioneer of legal iconography
- Gerichtsstätten in Hessen, Hessisches Landesamt für geschichtliche Landeskunde – this database for “places of justice” is part of a portal for regional history and cultural heritage
- Archiv-Rechtsaltertümer, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Neurenberg – some 200 objects
Let’s mention here also the Internationale Gesellschaft für Rechtliche Volkskunde. Among the tools helping iconographic research one should mention for example the Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, now renamed RDK Labor and searchable online. Since July 1, 2023 the online database of the Index of Medieval Art at Princeton is free accessible online. You can consult more at the few institutions with a complete copy (Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC; Getty Research Center, Los Angeles; Institute for Art History, Utrecht).
Iconclass offers a systematic classification of subjects in art, now avaialable in six languages. This website is free accessible, but in practice it is useful to get acquainted first with Iconclass viewing an image database using this classification system. The Art and Architecture Thesaurus of the Getty Center is another classification system which can support your research. The Iconographic Database of the Warburg Institute in London is also most interesting. The Spanish Ministerio de Cultura offers a number of online thesauri and dictionaries for cultural heritage.
General historical image collections
– organized in alphabetical order by countries
- Artstor – free search in some 300 digital collections, but few of them in open access; also included at Artstor, JSTOR Collections, there with currently only ten of them in open access
- Europeana Art – a section of the portal Europeana with 1,4 million images
- The Index of Medieval Art, Index of Medieval Art, Princeton University – free access since July 1, 2023, to many thousand images
- museum-digital – an international platform with images form the collections of some 1,100 museums worldwide
- 1516: A visually searchable database of printed illustrations of the 15th and 16th centuries, Oxford University – a pilot for an extension of 15cIllustration
- Ornamento, University College Dublin – a pilot for a database of ornamention in European early printed books, in connection with the bibliographical project Iberian Books
- Photosearch, National Archives, Australia
- Albertina Sammlungen Online, Albertina Museum, Vienna – interface German and English
- Bildarchiv Austria, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna – collections from several periods
- Belgica, Royal Library, Brussels – books and images, maps and medals; interface in Dutch and French
- Vlaamse Kunstcollectie – a portal for searching art the art museums of Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Louvain and Oostende; interface Dutch, French, English and German
- Art in Flanders – another portal for searching digitized images of objects in Flemish art museums and cultural heritage institutions; interface Dutch and English
- Numériques – BE: Images et histoires des patrimoines numérisés – a portal with images from some thirty cultural institutions in Wallonie
- Marco: Musées ARts COllections – a digital portal to art in museums in Wallonie
- Brasiliana Iconografica – a portal for images from and about Brasil
- Culture: Moteur des collections – a meta-catalogue for searches in major French cultural institutions
- Collections, Louvre – some 480,000 items; interface French and English
- Images, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
- Agence photographique, Musées nationaux. RMN Grand Palais
- Images d’art: Les œuvres d’art des musées français – interface French and English
- Bibliothèque numérique de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art – books, images, iconographic research, archives and manuscripts
- Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes: Recherche Iconclass, Université de Tours – searching illustrations – also with Iconclass – in digitized early editions of works by humanists
- museum-digital: deutschland – a portal for finding objects in German museums
- Digitales Bildarchiv des Bundesarchivs, Koblenz – images from the German national archive
- Deutsche Fotothek, Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden – also for searching paintings, drawings and engravings
- Bildarchiv, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin – currently without an online catalog or digital collection – temporarily some 600,000 digitized objects can be searched in the Deutsche Digtale Bibliothek
- SMB-digital, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz – a portal for images from the collections of nearly twenty museums in Berlin
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, Bildarchiv Foto Marburg – a search portal for images in many German collections
- BSB-CodIcon Online, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – the manuscripts of the Codices iconographici collection are being digitized; the manuscripts show for example portraits, heraldic signs, seals, military scenes and fortifications
- Bildsuche, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich – online searching for similar images in a database with 4 million images, with an additional search interface for woodcuts in incunables
- Graphikportal, Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte
- Prometheus-Bildarchiv, Universität Köln – a portal to more than 80 German databases, among them the Lichtbildarchiv Älterer Originalurkunden bis 1250 (Marburg), with medieval charters until 1250, REQUIEM (Berlin), Renaissance sepulchral monuments for cardinals and popes in Italy, and the Lexikon der Revolutions-Ikonographie (Giessen)
- Virtuelles Kupferstichkabinett, Herzog-Anton-Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig and Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel – normal search facilities and also Iconclass
- German History in Documents and Images, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
- Plakat-Datenbank der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart – 30,000 German posters from 1870 onwards; at this moment some 2,500 of them are visible
- BPK Bildagentur – 12 million images from German, French and British museums; low resolution only downloadable with a watermark, and paying for high resolution
- Calcografica, Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica – graphic art in Italian collections; multilingual interface – note also the various other databases and digital collections
- Archivio fotografico online, Fototeca Nazionale, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, Rome – images from Italy
- Fotothek, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome – images from Rome’s most important library for art history
- Digitale Photothek, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence
- Alphabetica – a portal of Italian libraries for their variety of materials (books, graphic works, maps, music…) with a filter for digitized items; interface Italian and English
- Beeldbank, Nationaal Archief, The Hague – 500,000 images at the Dutch National Archives; more Dutch image collections are mentioned here and in another overview focusing on regional and local materials
- Beeldbank Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed – a database with some 750,000 images concerning Dutch cultural heritage, including the cadastral maps (land registry maps) created between 1811 and 1832
- Rijksdienst voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, The Hague – in the online databases of the RKD one can search for many thousand works of Belgian and Dutch artists
- Beeldbank Bibliopolis, Royal Library, The Hague – searching for images concerning Dutch book history
- Bijzondere Collecties, Universiteitsbibliotheek / Allard Pierson, Universiteit van Amsterdam – the Special Collections contain for instance texts by Dirk Coornhert and the Suriname collection; you can search all image collections together
- Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam – a collection database with some 678,000 digitized images
- Beeldcollectie Amsterdam Museum – interface Dutch and English
- Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam – the digitized collection contains some 75,000 of the 250,000 images about Dutch history
- Picture collections of the Royal Netherlands Institute of South East Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden University
- Atlas of Mutual Heritage – the Dutch National Archives and the Rijksmuseum are among the institutions which present digitized images and books on the history of the Dutch West India Company and East India Company; interface Dutch and English
- Colecciones en Red, España – the Red Digital de Colecciones de Museos de España offers images from Spanish museums
- Iconográfia online, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – a database for medieval art, part of a portal for medieval iconography
- Alvin – portal for cultural heritage collections – a portal of three Swedish university libraries and a city library; interface Swedish and English
- DigitaltMuseum – a portal to objects in some 100 Swedish museums, including also photographs
- Recherche-Portal, Schweizerische Stiftung für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA) – interface in four languages
- Bases de données patrimoniales de Suisse romande – a portal at Lausanne with access to several catalogues and online collections
- Art UK – free access to some 200,000 images of artworks in many British cultural institutions
- British Printed Images to 1700
- Collection Database, British Museum, London
- British Museum Images – showing all strengths of the immense collections
- Collections Victoria & Albert Museum, London
- Royal Collection Trust – a rich collection in many aspects
- VADS – The Online Resource for Visual Arts – a portal to images in many British collections
- Images Online, British Library, London – with also the section Picturing Places for searching images of locations
- National Archives, Image Library
- London Picture Archive, London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Art Gallery – over 250,000 images
- British Book Illustrations, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC – with some 10.000 seventeenth-century images, searchable with Iconclass
- Illustration Archive: Illuminating the Past, Cardiff University
- Casgliad y Werin Cymru / People’s Collections Wales – a portal to Welsh heritage and culture
- Digital Public Library of America – a portal to many American digital collections; the DPLA harvests a large number of regional digital portals
- American Memory, Library of Congress, Washington, DC – formerly 22 digitized collections with photographs, now part of the general digital collections
- Smithsonian Open Access – nearly 3 million images, also searchable using the Collections Search Center
- New York Heritage: Digital Collections – a wide variety of digital collections at this portal
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- Digital Collections, New York Public Library
- Digital Collections, The Getty Research Institute
- Calisphere – the portal to digital collections in California
- CARLI – a portal to digital collections in Illinois
- IMLS Digital Collections and Content: U.S. History Resources from Libraries, Museums and Archives, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – a portal to digital collections in the USA, formerly known as Opening History; unfortunately its last version soon disappeared
- State Digital Resources: Memory Projects, Online Encyclopedias, Historical and Cultural Materials Collections, Webguide, Library of Congress – a nice choice of portals and websites
- Archive of Early American Images, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Providence, RI
- Yale Digital Content, Yale University, New Haven, CT – a portal for finding digitized images and content
- Catalog of American Engravings, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA – a central catalogue for graphic art from the eighteenth century onwards
- Early Images of Latin America, Tulane University Digital Library – some 1,800 early photographs from 1850 to 1910
- PESSCA: Project on the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art, University of California at Davis – a database for colonial art and an overview of relevant online resources
- Yiddish Sources, Gerben Zaagsma, Universität Göttingen – a portal with fair attention to digital resources
For research in the field of art history one can find support at the following websites:
- Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte: Links, Humboldt Universität, Berlin – a useful link collection
- Search engines – History of Art, Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht – a useful overview
- Art Discovery Group Catalogue – a meta-catalog to several important art libraries worldwide, its forerunner ArtLibraries was a part of ArtHistoricum.net, Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Kunstgeschichte (interface in German, English and French), with its own online catalog
- Kubikat – the catalog of four major German art history institutes, interface in four languages
- Associazione IRIS Firenze – a meta-catalog for several art history and museum libraries in Florence; interface Italian and English
- Fachinformationsdienst Kunst, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg – a good entrance to important resources; interface German and English
- Links, Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague – alas only an archived version from 2011 of the fifteen web pages with links
Some firms producing software to create digital collections provide overviews of institutions using their software. Sometimes it can be very helpful to look also at these overviews, shown here in alphabetical order:
- Adlib Customers, Adlibsoft (Axiell) – some 100 European customers
- Examples, Greenstone Digital Library Software
- Collaborative Digitization Projects in the United States, Lyrasis
- Fedora Users, Lyrasis
- Sites Powered by Omeka, Omeka – Omeka is an open source freeware tool
- Client List, PastPerfect Museum Software
Thematic image collections
A rather special place in legal iconography is traditionally given to the codices picturati, the illuminated manuscripts of the Sachsenspiegel, the influential thirteenth-century book on customary law in Saxony written by Eike von Repgow:
- The Wolfenbüttler manuscript – also reachable at the digital library of the Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel [Cod. Guelf. 3.1 Aug. 2°]
- The Dresden manuscript – with a useful introduction and additional information [Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek, Mscr.Dresd. M. 32]
- The Heidelberg manuscript – Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Pal. germ. 164
- The Oldenburg manuscript – Oldenburg, Landesbibliothek, CIM I 410
Emblem books form a particular Early Modern source of images. Andrea Alciato (1492-1550), himself a legal scholar, founded the genre with his Emblemata (1531). Emblems are images with a motto and a poetic explanation or commentary. Here some collections with digitized emblem books which can be searched using Iconclass. Emblematica Online points to other digitized collections.
- Emblem Project Utrecht – 27 emblem books printed in the Low Countries, focusing on love emblems
- Glasgow University Emblem Project – with collections of French and Italian emblem books, and several editions of Alciato’s collection
- The English Emblem Book Project, PennState University Libraries, University Park, PA – see also the 12 digitized English emblem books
- Emblematica Online, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – created in cooperation with the Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel; many useful links, for example the Emblem Union Catalogue to search for mottos – see also the 350 books hosted in the Internet Archive
- Biblioteca Digital de Emblemática Hispánica, Biblioteca Digital Siglo de Oro, Universidade de Coruña – see also Digital Emblem Books on the Web
- Ausgewählte Emblembücher der Frühen Neuzeit, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
- Digitized Emblem Books, The Warburg Institute, London – seventeen emblem books
- Emblematica: An inventory of applied emblems in Switzerland, Dieter Bitterli – emblems on buildings and other objects
- Cesare Ripa: Allegorie dell’Iconologia di Cesare Ripa, Università degli Studi di Bergamo – see also the website Iconologia di Cesare Ripa and the database version of an eighteenth-century edition
- Emblem books, Duke University and Internet Archive – some 300 digitizee Early Modern works
- Emblem books, Arkyves – at last this resource is now free accessible for quickly searching emblemata in digitized collections, also with Iconclass
Portraits of lawyers have always enjoyed interest. Some databases can help you to find images of them:
- RKDPortraits, Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague – using the term “jurist” in the first search field of the Dutch search interface ensures you to get images of portraits of Dutch lawyers
- Portrettengalerij, Radboud Institute for Culture & History, Nijmegen – some 15,000 portraits with a filter for law and jurisprudence (choose Recht en Rechtswetenschap)
- Legal Portraits Online, Harvard Law School Library – more than 4000 images
- Digiporta: Digitales Porträtarchiv – with portraits from nine German institutions
- Porträtdatenbank, Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle (Saale) – using “Jurist” in the field Berufe (professions) and filtering by place name (Orte) brings you to many German lawyers
- Digitaler Portraitindex, Fotoarchiv Marburg – again it is by using “Jurist” in the field Berufe (professions) that you can find many portraits from eight German and Austrian collections
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, Marburg – you can search for names in the section Porträts of this database for many German catalogues
- Porträtsammlung, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg – some 3,700 images
- Portraitsammlung, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek, Cologne
- Tripota – Trierer Porträtdatenbank, Universität Trier – some 8,000 images; note also the splendid links page to similar collections worldwide
- Regensburger Porträtgalerie, Universität Regensburg – 5,000 portraits, in particular from the Thurn und Taxis collection
- Porträtsammlungen der Universität Tübingen – some 10,000 images, searchable in many ways, including with Iconclass
- Porträtsammlung, Herzog-August-bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel – some 32,000 Early Modern portraits
- National Portrait Gallery, London – images of 160,000 portraits
- National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC – with both search possibilities for its own collections and the Catalog of American Portraits
- Historical and Public Figures: A General Portrait File to the 1920s, New York Public Library – a collection of 30,000 photographs, and NYPL has of course more collections
- Canadian Portraits, Concordia University
- FACIES, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna – in this collection, too, you can search among some 10,000 old portraits for specific occupations, such as giurista
- Iconografia Hispana, Biblioteca Digital Hispanica – some 5,000 portraits
- Svenskt Porträttarkiv / Swedish Portrait Archive – with also photographs
Festival books is the generic term for occasional publications, often no longer than a pamphlet, published around the crowning of kings, their Joyous Entries into cities, princely marriages and funerals, and the signing of peace treaties or other major events. These works convey representations of power and images of justice and law. They are also a source for legal iconography because they are often wonderfully illustrated by artists.
- Early Modern Festival Books, Oxford University – a repertory for five libraries and a digital library based on and expanded from the study Festivals and Ceremonies. A Bibliography of Works Relating to Court, Civic and Religious Festivals in Europe 1500-1800 by Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly and Anne Simon (London 2000) with 3000 books in twelve languages
- Renaissance Festival Books, British Library and University of Warwick – some 250 of the 2,000 books at the BL documenting festivals and ceremonies in Europe between 1475 and 1700; these books are often printed as pamphlets
- Festival books, The Warburg Institute, University of London – 102 digitized works
- Festival books, Special Collections, The Getty Research Institute – with some 1,300 digitized works
- Festkultur Online, Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel – 314 digitized works and much background information; thematic research in and for illustrations with Iconclass; interface German and English
- Celebrating Italian Festivals, Beinecke Library, Yale University – 231 digitized Early Modern works from Italy
- Livres de fête de la Bibliothèque de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, collections Jacques Doucet (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles), Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris – an online catalogue for some 1,000 festival books, a small number of them has been digitized
- Theatrical space as a model for architecture: A bibliography, McGill University,Montreal